immergency AP?


Registered Users (C)
My regular AP was pending since 9/19/2003. Wonder if an immergency AP was possible:

(1) my father was sick since 89, can pass away at any time,
does this qualify for an immergency AP?
(2) if (1) qualifies, what's document is needed, any kind of proof? what's procedure to apply - call BCIS, or mail new document to BCIS, any new forms?

If anyone has done immergency AP before, please post the procedure. Thanks.
I ever applied for emergent AP, BUT...

hi, rockstone,
I ever applied for the emergent AP with the same situation as urs. My dad got cancer and was in very critical condition. So, I went to local INS trying to apply an emergent AP. But the local officer told me I couldn't apply there because all my documents were in California Service Center (CSC). If I insisted applying in local office, they might have to get all the documents back to local, which actually could delay my I485 application. So, they recommended me to apply my emergent AP in CSC with some diagnostic documents attached (maybe u need to translate the original documents into English if ur native language is not English). I filed my application at the end of August. But so far, I didn't get any sign that my application could be approved very soon. I checked the website and was told that could take 6 months to process it. So, I really doubt whether my application was treated as an "Emergent AP application", though I did write on the envelope, saying "This is an emergent AP application" based on the advices from local INS officer. I also got some info. from this forum saying that some guys got their emergent AP from local INS. So, maybe u can check some old posts trying to get some useful info. Good luck

Sorry to hear about your father. The eAP seems to have become a tricky situation these days with people having gotten it in some cases at the San Jose INS office and being being rejected. Your situation seems urgent enough to melt some immigration officer's hearts to the extent that they might grant you an eAP. I suggest you look up threads by PCeefan and myGcWaiter100 on this issue. Apply at the SJ INS office with all the requisite documents and hope for the best. Our prayers are with you.
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