illegaly 15 yrs as a child....


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Hi i was illegaly in the US for 15 yrs as a child. my mom never took care of my green card or US papers. i was born in luxembourg. i had a court date back in 2005 of dec. but i left before that cause lawyers told me i was better to leave.. since i was illegaly for so long. i do have a truck drivers linces to work. but i'm banned now for 10 yrs i guess for leaving the US. is there any way any way of getting back or anything like that? since i left on my own and really wasn't my fault that i was there illegaly for 15+ yrs. i don't even speak my home country language...

Thank You, Ghost.

Are you in Luxembourg now? Do you have Luxembourg documents (passport, birth certificate, etc.) with you? Is your mother still living in America or back in Luxembourg?
What was her status at the time in US? How old you were when you entered US? Did you judge order your deportation?
Well, considering the wealth and living standard of Luxembourg (if that's where you are now) I wouldn't complain much. It sounds like you have a 10 year ban, so I think that's it, don't think you can do much about it. I am not an expert on this, and it also seems from your message that you have "self-imposed" yourself the 10 year ban. I mean that no immigration officer has told you that you're banned, but that you assume that according to your circumstances (long undocumented stay) you are automatically banned. That would seem to be the case, but I don't know that part of the immigration universe that well. Perhaps there is a case that can be made that you were a minor, so you were not responsible, but I would doubt that is going to help. Perhaps if you give a few more details (at what age did you come to the U.S., status of your parents, and things like that) perhaps someone can give you a better answer.

My 2 cents.
1st off sorry everyone, I was away and kinda busy the last few weeks and under tons of stress.

Eccevino – I’m in Canada right now. Since I don’t speak French, Luxembourg, german. I have a Luxembourg passport now and a birth certificate. I do have it with me now! My mom got deported because I told on her and what she did to me in my life and I had enough of being illegally and not able to work. I had her deported and put in jail 1st. long story she really fucked up my life. She is from Poland and is a French citizen or so? And she got deported back up in france!

Superstring – I was 8 years old when I had entered the US. It was a deportation case on me since I was there as a Luxembourg citizen… and also cause I over stayed my VISA. For 6 months vacation. Not really my fault you know? I was just a kid. I grew up here in the US since I was in 2nd grade I got friends my whole life on the other side of this boarder here. I’m in Windsor, Ontario. Witch is next to Detroit, Michigan. The judge said if you don’t come back here in 6 months for your hearing you will be banned from the US for 10 years. Due not she says that to everyone. The judge even felt sorry for me for what had happened in my life. I mean you can tell she really felt bad. I was speaking to lawyers and they all wanted large amounts of money that I didn’t have at the time. Since I couldn’t work legally! Most of them told me to just leave on your own. Stupid me I forgot that English is only spoke in north America. So I left cause out of fear I didn’t want to be deported. Thinking it would be better but no it wasn’t.

Huracan – yeah Luxembourg has wealth alright. Everyone has a BMW, BENZ, I seen Ferraris every day. I need to speak a few languages to just work in Luxembourg witch I don’t. the thing is. I got my whole life in the US. Friends, a sister. Whos a citizen. I mean its really messing me up emotionally that I won’t see my friends and what not and I got to pay with my life you know what I mean? It really messes a person up. No immigration officer said you are banned. Just the judge told everyone you don’t come back to the courts for the 2nd hearing you will be banned for 10 years. She told this to everyone. Its standard. I was 8 years old when I entered the US. My mom came on vacation visa. And just left me here with my sister and went back to Europe. My sister is a US citizen but don’t want to help me out, so I’m shit out of luck sorry to say.

If you have any other questions please feel free to ask. I did see a form online to file...

"i-212 re-entering the US" witch is found on this link right here
i guess u send them $265 USD. and explain why you shouldn't be banned? i think my reason is more then enought to explain. also i do got a gf in the US. i know i know why didn't you get married. cause at the time it wasn't 100% and we had just meet. and she had called immigration the lady said to get status... and then file for I-130 form. but no idea how long this would take. :(

Since you are Luxemburg citizen you don't need tourist visa to enter the USA. You can go to the Luxemburd, try to get new passport and come back on new passport. If they don't have your fingerprints, they will not match it's really you. You can also come back for Intership program or student visa. Try to do it with this.

You are writing your mother is French and Polish citizen. I don't know about France, but under polish law you are Polish citizen, because one of your parents was/is Polish citizen. Go to Polish consulate/embassy and file for certificate of citizenship and polish passport. Although Polish citizens need tourist visa, you can apply for it and get tourist visa and they will not match it's you.

The same thing with France. Maybe under French law you are French citizen too and can come back to the USA with French passport.

This is the best way for you. Maybe something with DREAM ACT, but I don't know any details of this.
Since you are Luxemburg citizen you don't need tourist visa to enter the USA. You can go to the Luxemburd, try to get new passport and come back on new passport. If they don't have your fingerprints, they will not match it's really you. You can also come back for Intership program or student visa. Try to do it with this.

You are writing your mother is French and Polish citizen. I don't know about France, but under polish law you are Polish citizen, because one of your parents was/is Polish citizen. Go to Polish consulate/embassy and file for certificate of citizenship and polish passport. Although Polish citizens need tourist visa, you can apply for it and get tourist visa and they will not match it's you.

The same thing with France. Maybe under French law you are French citizen too and can come back to the USA with French passport.

This is the best way for you. Maybe something with DREAM ACT, but I don't know any details of this.

Dream Act??? Never heard of it. Polish citizen? No thanks, I'll stick with Luxembourg. My dad was from Luxembourg. and US does have my fingers, and getting a new passport i already got one of those. and u do need a visa to enter the US. however you don't need a VISA to enter the US.. if your just there for 90 days looking to invest money or what not. something like that. laws and rules are always different. and its sucky for me.

also i got a gf in the US. what if i was to get married with her?
Dream Act??? Never heard of it. Polish citizen? No thanks, I'll stick with Luxembourg. My dad was from Luxembourg. and US does have my fingers, and getting a new passport i already got one of those. and u do need a visa to enter the US. however you don't need a VISA to enter the US.. if your just there for 90 days looking to invest money or what not. something like that. laws and rules are always different. and its sucky for me.

also i got a gf in the US. what if i was to get married with her?

You can have both Luxemburg and Polish citizenship. You never know, maybe someday you will need some other citizenship.

You can come to the USA for 90 days, then trip to canada for a few minutes and again you are coming back to the USA.

If your GF is US Citizen and you marry her, you can get Green Card in a few months.
If your GF is US Citizen and you marry her, you can get Green Card in a few months.

I'm not sure its quite that simple given the previous overstay. USCIS may well turn around and say the marriage was only for immigration purposes.

Seems like you have two choices:-
- leave and voluntarily accept the 10yr reentry ban
- get a good immigration lawyer, which still carries no guarantee of eventual success.
thrix - to me the best citizen ships in the world are. US, Canadian, Luxembourg. and swiss. u can travel the world with any of these passports and never get any problems. Because you don't require a visa to go any where just buy the plane tickets and go! Poland has problems with visa into the US and takes forever. most polish people that go to the US. end up staying there and working in homes as cleaning.

boatbod - i was with her before i was going threw this court stuff yrs ago and its just on and off. and she just had enought and said to me. i want u to be here with me. cause she comes to see me all the time and going back and forth and taking the time out just to see me. and she hates traveling but when she comes its for days not just one day u know? and i already did leave the country a yr and the half ago. and it sucks that the US couldnt' just give me the papers and make me go threw all that crap in life. also lawyers there blood suckers. i had a friend call USCIS. and they told him that i should file some I-134 if i was to get married and wait 5 to 6 months and all. or just go see the consalute up in toronto and get a 5 year pass to get in the US and what not. but that 5 year pass i don't get it... i guess they can over rule my problem and what not. cause it really wasn't my fault u know? oh well.
thrix - to me the best citizen ships in the world are. US, Canadian, Luxembourg. and swiss. u can travel the world with any of these passports and never get any problems. Because you don't require a visa to go any where just buy the plane tickets and go! Poland has problems with visa into the US and takes forever. most polish people that go to the US. end up staying there and working in homes as cleaning.

boatbod - i was with her before i was going threw this court stuff yrs ago and its just on and off. and she just had enought and said to me. i want u to be here with me. cause she comes to see me all the time and going back and forth and taking the time out just to see me. and she hates traveling but when she comes its for days not just one day u know? and i already did leave the country a yr and the half ago. and it sucks that the US couldnt' just give me the papers and make me go threw all that crap in life. also lawyers there blood suckers. i had a friend call USCIS. and they told him that i should file some I-134 if i was to get married and wait 5 to 6 months and all. or just go see the consalute up in toronto and get a 5 year pass to get in the US and what not. but that 5 year pass i don't get it... i guess they can over rule my problem and what not. cause it really wasn't my fault u know? oh well.

Why should USA give you any documents?? What did you do for the USA to gain legal right to be in the USA?
Thrix – why should they??? Um lets see here. I grew up there my whole fucken life.. went to school. Got friends family. I got no one else in the world?!!?!? Wasn’t really my fault i was there illegally. Not my fault I didn’t have 20,000$ to pay for a lawyer ???? I mean shit my record was clean! And I should do something? What should I do for the US??? Tell me! I think I should call CNN cause I really can’t take it no more. Every night I have nightmares of this cause I don’t really belong any where else in this world. And my friends and family miss me and come see me all the time. And help out as much as they can. Let me tell u something thrix. Its like lets say u were born in iraq or japan. And u grew up all ur life from the day u can speak in the US and guess what? Ur 18 yrs old and u find out u don’t have any legal papers. But hey get the hell out of the US! Man cause u don’t really belong there. Go back to iraq or japan where you came from. And deal with it. Go learn to speak Arabic. Go there were u got no family. Just go! < -- this is what ur telling me. It’s the way I see it. I called the cops on a few drugs dealers in the US! Did I get a cookie? NO! I called and reported things. Did that help? NO! lucky I didn’t get shot in the head for it! Ur telling me what did I do to gain the right to be in the US? Oh man. Oh also saved someones life a few years back 2 kids. From getting hit by a car. No one seens when you do good man. No one. So don’t tell me what did I do for the US. I did good. I never did anything bad. But this is just out of control. If I knew any terrorist in this world. I’d turn them all in if I could. Cause I got people I care about in the US. And I don’t want to see anyone hurt. Even if I don’t know them. Oh and what have you done for the US?? Since your so kind to ask me.

Mario123. yeah what a guy huh?
I was trying to refrain from replying to this thread. First of all I am not sure if it belongs in this part of the forum, but most importantly I couldn't get rid of a credibility issue with the poster, from the back of my mind. He came to the U.S. when he was 8, but doesn't speak anything other than English. The sister came with him, but is now a U.S. citizen, how did that take place, marriage? He's been in the U.S. for fifteen years, but his writing (and what reflects of his thoughts) doesn't seem to correspond to a person who's been in the U.S. and Canada for so long. However, I temper those suspicions with his statements of bad parenting, perhaps poor schooling which might explain the level of writing.

Anyway, some advice would be to take advantage of Canada's excellent education system and try to improve in your education. Don't take it bad, we all have to educate ourselves for life more or less.

I also don't know what is your immigration status in Canada, but if you hold Luxembourg passport you should probably be able to relocate and work in UK or Ireland where English is spoken. My take is that you are also overstaying your welcome in Canada, as the way you explain your life and your case I don't see how you are in Canada in any sort of immigration status.

As for your chances to come to the U.S. I am not an expert, it would seem to me that you had a much better chance to fight your case inside the U.S. than outside. I don't want to sound harsh but if you had such a stake in this country you should have tried harder to stay in it. I mean if you have family and friends here couldn't you have collected some money to pay a lawyer? I don't know the details of your case, some of the things you say seem to make sense, but others raise question marks in my mind.

Do you have any criminal record? That would probably put the last nail in the coffin of your hopes to come back to the U.S. any time soon. It sounds really bad that your sister doesn't want to help you, but to be honest there is not much she can do. I think, even if she sponsored you I think you would be looking at 15 years or so of waiting in line. She could have helped you thought when you went through the immigration proceedings.

Most immigrants in this forum have left friends and family behind, it sounds bad, but this could be a chance for you to start a new life, don't marry just for the possibility of getting to the U.S., which might not happen soon anyway. Europe is not such a bad place to live.

Godspeed with your case.
Yeah sorry my English skills online aren’t the best when its almost 2 a.m. and I’m tired. Do you know anyone who can come up with $20,000? My friends were all my ages. All going to school and working hard. They didn’t have much money and to barrow money from god knows where just to go to school. My aunt and uncle not so rich just paycheck to paycheck. My sister got married to a US citizen and had 2 kids with the guy. The way the lawyers sounded was I had no chance of staying cause I was with out a degree and little money its hard to get some where. Now days I got my CDL to drive trucks. And the lawyer telling me it’s a 50/50 chance of staying. Its like great. There goes all the money and what if you get kicked out? Your at zero! Try harder? Yeah trust me I did try harder. Maybe I should of just got married to someone I didn’t know. But I didn’t want to go that way cause its illegally to have a fake wedding and all. Sure it would of helped out a lot but still, its not right. Law wasn’t fair to me. It don’t mean I shouldn’t be fair to it.

No criminal record at all. I had a few speeding tickets does this count? And yes my mom was very bad while I was growing up. She was on meds, and I had to deal with that. And I’m just very pissed off she didn’t take care of anything for me. All she did was get married with guys, and they die after 3 months and she would collect. Last guy she married was 10 years ago. And he had over $800,000 she sooo could of taken care of it but no was to busy buying everyone houses and cars and gifts. While I didn’t get anything not even a penny or help for myself. That’s the kind of a parent I had. My dad died when I was 14 months old. So yeah that sucked for me. I honestly don’t feel like going on anymore. I got to pay with my life really. Nothing good ever happens to nice people out there.
Thrix – why should they??? Um lets see here. I grew up there my whole fucken life.. went to school. Got friends family. I got no one else in the world?!!?!? Wasn’t really my fault i was there illegally. Not my fault I didn’t have 20,000$ to pay for a lawyer ???? I mean shit my record was clean! And I should do something? What should I do for the US??? Tell me! I think I should call CNN cause I really can’t take it no more. Every night I have nightmares of this cause I don’t really belong any where else in this world. And my friends and family miss me and come see me all the time. And help out as much as they can. Let me tell u something thrix. Its like lets say u were born in iraq or japan. And u grew up all ur life from the day u can speak in the US and guess what? Ur 18 yrs old and u find out u don’t have any legal papers. But hey get the hell out of the US! Man cause u don’t really belong there. Go back to iraq or japan where you came from. And deal with it. Go learn to speak Arabic. Go there were u got no family. Just go! < -- this is what ur telling me. It’s the way I see it. I called the cops on a few drugs dealers in the US! Did I get a cookie? NO! I called and reported things. Did that help? NO! lucky I didn’t get shot in the head for it! Ur telling me what did I do to gain the right to be in the US? Oh man. Oh also saved someones life a few years back 2 kids. From getting hit by a car. No one seens when you do good man. No one. So don’t tell me what did I do for the US. I did good. I never did anything bad. But this is just out of control. If I knew any terrorist in this world. I’d turn them all in if I could. Cause I got people I care about in the US. And I don’t want to see anyone hurt. Even if I don’t know them. Oh and what have you done for the US?? Since your so kind to ask me.

Mario123. yeah what a guy huh?

All you can do is just work hard, try to earn at least 20K $ and maybe fake marriage ? This is only way to come back to the USA.

What about the UK? As the Luxemburg citizen you can work legally in the UK, there is almost like in the USA and they speak English.

Try to look for DREAM ACT.
Hi Ghost9,

Perhaps we are being a bit tough with you, and seems you have already had enough blows in your life. However, your situation is not much different from a lot of Asian, European, Hispanic, and other undocumented immigrants. I mean that length of stay in the U.S. don't give you any rights per se. There are tons of families who have children growing in your same situation. The problem is that the law is the law. You can hope that the possible comprehensive immigration reform addresses cases like yours, but for now your avenues are pretty limited. Twenty thousand dollars or not, I think you had a better chance if you waited to make your case with the judge (it seems you did some proceedings because you mention meeting a judge) and explain your circumstances.

On the other hand there are a good bunch of permanent resident young folks who got in trouble with the law and got kicked out of the country to their birth countries where they also didn't know much about language or culture. You know that the U.S. tends to apply the law (including the immigration law) with a heavier hand than in other parts of the world. You are fortunate to have a choice of developed countries you can choose to live and work.

There are people who pay probably those 20 thousand dollars just to be able to get into the country irregularly. I don't want to judge your actions, but perhaps a loan, anything, you could have tried to contact immigration and charity organizations that sometimes provide legal counsel. I just think that going out of the country was probably not in your best interest, at least not until you had a firm deportation order.

I don't know if while you were in the U.S. you might have enlisted in the army and that could have helped you, I am not sure.

My 2 cents.
Thrix – getting married fake? That’s very scary if you ask me. Last thing I want to do is do something illegally like that. And be banned for life after I’m doing 5 years behind bars. UK I’m looking into that. Trying to find a job there also. I just hope I don’t need special documents to work there. And thanks I’ll look up the Dream Act.

Huracan – yeah a bit to tough on me. I’ve been threw a lot in my life. A lot of people told me to just write a book on my life cause it has it all. And I just want a normal life. Even the judge felt bad for me she asked me if I had family I told her sister, uncle and aunt. And I had friends and what not, and she asked me if I had a gf to get married to and I told her I don’t have a gf. Cause at the time I just broke up with my gf a few days before. And the judge felt bad for me and my friend said you can see that in her face when she just felt bad really. US boarder patrol and I talked way before I went to court and they told me just tell the judge the truth, there are a few that have your problem who can work things out. But yeah just the fact of the amount of money and if it don’t go threw its like scary as hell. I don’t think they can reopen the case for me. I’m starting to think that really. I choose where I grew up and were my life was. Be nice to get a loan. I’ll look into that immigration and charity organizations. Fuck I wish I never listed to those lawyers man. From what everyone told me. My friends and all that I didn’t need one cause it wasn’t my fault and all. And I had a clean record. I’m not the type to drink or smoke or do bad things. About the army I wanted to join with my friend but then again I was thinking if they checked to see where I was born I’d be screwed. But I could of joined the army. Well the marines. That’s what we were going to do.

Thank you huracan!! I’ll look into those things you told me.