Illegal Immigrant needs solution to driver license


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Heloo everyone,

I ahave been in this country since 1994. I came in on F1 Student Visa and after a few yeays of completing education, I stayed here and got married and have 2 kids now. I have been out-of-status for over 7 years now. So I am here illegally.

I need to renew my license sometimes in August in Florida. Of course, with all the non-sense that is going on, that can not be done. I was told to go to another State that does not check green card and get it over there. Has anyone tried that before? any advise for me?

Note that I am married to this lady for 4 years now who will be a citizen in 18 months. I know if I wait it out till then w/o a license, I may stand a chance.

Thanks in advance I have never been in trouble with the law( not even a traffic ticket),

thanks, Josue
too much headache

Thanks for the reply ....

i wish there was a loophole that I could use .... I can't believe because of some monkey terrorists, everyone has to pay. I sure hope the law makers come to narrow down their restrictins so not everyone gets the shaft ...
ok ...good point. But remember, this is a country of immigrants which means that you and your ancestors at some point could have been in same situation. Except, back then any jack and Joe could get their paper without having to deal with all this garbage.

Besides, I am well-educated fellow which ideally makes me hell of a lot better that the folks getting here on raft with no degree who get to be a burden on tax-payers since the government has to pick up the tab for their healthcare, etc.

Did you know my thesis was done in the field of cancer and I actually benefited this nation through my research(as little contribution as that might be). Think of your family and my research.... then think of uneducated folks coming here on a raft applying for unemployment and the burden. Which one do you prefer?

So now maybe you would stop and think why I blame those terrorist monkeys that have made it so hard on guys like me. What if those idiots did terrorist acts when you grandparents moved to this country. INS then would have to give them just as much hard time as I am getting... right? SO illegal or not, it is just a matter of what timeframe we live in. If there were no terrorism, would INS even bother to make anyone illegal??? NOPE.

I guess it takes a smart person to stop and see the whole picture.

OK.... enough about this. Now Is there anyone that actually has some useful input or suggestions so that I can go on till my wife becomes a citizen and I get my greencard?

what happens if I get pulled over by cops and I have expeired licesnse? what are they going to do? report me to INS? Hate to spend money on attorney for this.

Again, I need some good input. I am not planning to waste time on the political aspect my situation,

Thanks, Josue
You know I had a girlfriend that talked just like you and also caleld me arrogant. Monica, is that you??? Would you stop posting? this is not funny.

Trying to get a descent response ....

So you prefer burden on tax-payer to an arrogant person??? A tax-payer would prefer the educated arrogant guy who contributes and stays away from criminal activity over you and the people you support. Ok, I am sorry you dropped out of high-school.

You know I had a girlfriend that talked just like you and also called me arrogant..... Wait!!! ... Monica, is that you??? Would you stop posting? this is not funny.

Trying to get a descent response .... Or maybe I should quit with this forum. It is a small world, never thought pissed-off ex-girlfriends would catch up with me. Monica, no need to respond, I am not reading any more responses from this website. Blow your steam at the next guy,

Josue ;)
Immigrant is an immigrant

Joef You are being arrogant. This guy is trying to get himself legalized. Yes he goofed up but just cause some people handle immigration better then others dosn't make him a better immigrant.

As for driving licence, here in Washington state they don't check your immigration status. They look at your exsisting licence, check your eye sight and give you a new one.

I believe you should go to your local DMV, see what's the process there and take a calculated chance, Might help to know more about the process. Find a friend who has legal status and see how the renewal process went for him.

If there are any chances that you might get in toruble, play safe and don't drive for the next 18 month. U certainly don't want to be caught with an expired licence.

Going to a different state won't help and everystate checks a lot of documents b4 giving the first licence.
I have to agree with JoeF in a philosophical sense. Josh clearly broke the rules and became illegal due to his own actions. Protecting that F-1 status or converting to H-1 should have been paramount for Louis. Now that certainly does not make him a criminal(BCIS does allow you to correct those problems in certain circumstances).
Anyways, in Texas they dont check ur immigration status( I renewed mine back in Dec). They did not ask me any questions at all. The first time I got my license in Texas, I was in F-1, the 2nd time H-1 and the 3rd time back in Dec, I had my GC. I am not sure now if this was bec it was a renewal. The first time, they did ask to see my passport as a secondary evidence of Date of Birth. I had moved at that time from another state.
Texas is about 7-12 hours from FL, depending on where u live.
Come here and take ur chances, the worst that could happen is they would ask u to come back with more proof.
The only other issue is that you will need a local address where you can receive ur license.

Most people understand you pain and please ignore the remarks by an artificial person who makes nothing but trouble here.

As to you concerns, Florida is very strict. Even if you got a license from another state like North Carolina, Florida still demands INS documents before giving you its own license. So it does not good to go elsewhere unless your move is permanent.

What exectly is your status now? Are you before an immigration judge? If you are, then you can get a license for two years.

Did your wife file an I-130 for you and when?

In the worst case, wait for her naturalization, then file adjustment immediately and you will get a two-year license.

Let me know if you have more questions. Love to help.

Originally posted by joshlouis
Heloo everyone,

I ahave been in this country since 1994. I came in on F1 Student Visa and after a few yeays of completing education, I stayed here and got married and have 2 kids now. I have been out-of-status for over 7 years now. So I am here illegally.

I need to renew my license sometimes in August in Florida. Of course, with all the non-sense that is going on, that can not be done. I was told to go to another State that does not check green card and get it over there. Has anyone tried that before? any advise for me?

Note that I am married to this lady for 4 years now who will be a citizen in 18 months. I know if I wait it out till then w/o a license, I may stand a chance.

Thanks in advance I have never been in trouble with the law( not even a traffic ticket),

thanks, Josue
I can't believe it, that there is an Idiot here who is living as an illegal immigrant, and is cocky as hell. And even more moronic are these other people who claim to "share his pain".
People like this idiot cause trouble for the rest of the legit people.

Get your act together! Get out of this "finding loopholes in the system" mentality. You are enjoying the benefits of this country which is prosperous because there is a system. Don't find ways to break it. Chanalize your energy in positive things. And trust me, spending money on an attorney should be least of your problems.