Illegal Canadian Traveling the U.S.???


New Member
My wife is a Canadian citizen, and I'm a Green Card.

We traveled a lot together between Canada and the U.S., but from what I'm reading here (see "Help Spouses of Green Card Holders"), my wife is illegally traveling the U.S. with me just because I'm a Green Card?

I thought any Canadian can visit the U.S. without a visa, so may someone please tell us what's going on?

We plan going to the U.S. again early October, and I'm kinda pulling my hair now, because this rule is so weird!

Thank you in advance for answering.
Originally posted by gc97
JoeF, Really appreciated your response.

I'd like to add that eventually you will get caught, especially if you travel by car where you undergo inspection at the same time. Your wife really runs the risk of being denied entry. On top of that, your own residency will come into question when you will have to explain why you are spending so much time in Canada.

Let me ask you this: Upon inspection, when the INS/Customs/BCIS/CIS person asks your wife where she is going, what the purpose of her visit is, and how long she will be in the US, does she accurately answer the questions. If the B2 (albeit undocumented, especially for a land crossing) is granted on false pretenses, then your wife is indeed illegal. Many, many Canadians do not understand this concept (I did not until I moved to the US and found out about the visas and statuses). At any one time there are supposed to be 100,000 Canadians illegally in the United States, and most don't even know it.

I think you will have to find a long term solution to this problem. My mother's neighbor in Canada had a similar arrangement with commutes between Montreal and Boston. Eventually, somebody got caught (I don't know all the details) and the MA plates came off the car.

We did and plan to travel often by car to the Washington State parks. Thank you very much for the caution.