IIOs just trying to scare callers (who irritate them)??

Poorna Vijay

Registered Users (C)
Dear All,

We seem to be getting a lot of mixed, confusing, scary responses from IIOs-mostly regarding company name changes, and related amended I-140s. This happens for a lot of other questions.

Looks to me that they are quite irritated by the callers who harrass them to no end. Maybe not individual one or two callers. Imagine if you get calls all day. I know it is their job and all. May be we should just chill and not give in to temptation to called the IIOs.

The latest problems we have with the AVMs seem to be just another symptom of this incessant calling.

I understand the frustrations we have. I have been waiting for the past 9 months to get my I-485 approved but I guess we just have to chill. Maybe, if we focussed on our jobs at hand and became a little more busy then maybe we don\'t have the energy to get frustrated by this wait.

Just a thought.

Poorna Vijay.
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Yes you are right. You have been waiting for 9 months to get your 485 approved, you are too busy so you don\'t call AVM or IIO. I have been waiting from October 96, frustration with my employer and wanted to get rid of my slavery. I am not busy, just spending my free time calling IIO\'s and AVM to see if my case got approved. I had even called during midnight to check the AVM. All this I am doing because I am having a fun time all my life. I had seen people waiting for more than 6 years, I can understand their feeling, so I won\'t be telling them to get busy in their job instead of calling IIO or AVM. Think on a general perspective, don\'t think just your situation or just yourself.
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There are people who are waiting 5+ years for the GC. This is not because they are undeserving, or that their applications were fraudulent, but only because the departments involved in processing are so inefficient.

In any decent system, when people get paid to do a job, and they do it inefficiently, they have no right to be irritated by queries from impatient customers. Had these services not been part of the government, they would have long been driven out of business by now.

There have been several instances where calling the Service Center and speaking to an IIO has actually spotted processing errors, clarified issues and even expedited the case.

I see no reason why we should pay the fees to keep these in business, have to wait years on lousy jobs, never break a law, add tremendously to the waelth of the country, and still face the wrath of these people and be advised to \'chill out\' after that.
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Poorna Vijay seems to be a Poorna ....
Looks like he needs to go to Rajasthan and complete the Poorna Vijay with the Army and then maybe the IIO will make a personal home delivery of his GC
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why don\'t u chill out and stop posting materials causing heart burns.

Don\'t tell me to engage my attention somewhere else. I work 10 hours a day but have this thought about 485 at the back of the mind always.

Remember that we are also paying taxes and perhaps much more than an average american. It is the mentality of a few people like you who allow Indians to be walked over and have absolutely no self-respect whatsoever.

so chill out.. go back to india and chill out forever
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Totally agree!
We pay more taxes than an average american. We pay for INS to stay in their lousy business. We can not even show them our frustration!

We should at least tell them they are too slow and something has to be done to improve their efficiency!

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You are absolutely right, this person talks as if waiting for 9 months as a big deal. Let him wait for 3-5+ years. He will understand.
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Let\'s be calm and kind guys. I think that Poorna Vijay was quite sincere in sharing an opinion and he was not speaking for INS. I have the same feeling as he does although I\'ve waited much longer than him. No one is happy about this whole process but there should be proper and better ways to express the complaint & frustration, e.g. talking and writing to media/congressmen/INS/President etc. That\'s the better way to make your voice to be heard. Getting irritating and irritated with individual IIO or fellow applicants will not help very much. After all, we all on the same boat.

Just my two cents.
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Dear All,

First of all, I\'d like to express my deepest apologies for my posting as I\'ve noticed that it has indeed hurt a lot of readers. It was not my intention to sound so condescending and patronizing (as it indeed appears to the reader).

I am fully aware that all of us are frustrated with our predicament and apparently stuck to dead end jobs because of this.

I, however, understand that we could change our jobs (assured by my lawyer about this) after 180 days of ND according to new laws.

However, I stand by my statement that irritated IIO seem to be making erratic statements and scary/false responses to caller\'s query.

I called the IIO when I was waiting for the I-140 approval. The IIO was quite angry that I called because according to the law, my company petitioned the I-140 and the company SHOULD NOT HAVE GIVEN ME ANY DETAILS OF the I-140 status. She told me that she would tell her supervisor about my company\'s and my intransigence and she would recommend that my petition be revoked.

Panic stricken, I called my lawyer who assured me that such a thing cannot be done and that she would take this up with some INS officials. She later, told me that IIO could be making such statements to discourage callers (implying to them that their calls have somehow aggravated the situation)

Now callers are calling the FBI regarding FP, the wonder what the fallout of that would be?

Thank you and once again please accept my sincere apologies.
And to Rick: "Ram ram gaon wale, kase aahath thumi?
sunder mumbai, sarvaanchi mumbai"

Poorna Vijay
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More frustration and little misunderstanding. Your interaction with IIO speaks for itself. Thanks for elaborating your discussion. No need for apologies, it is a little misunderstanding/misintepretation on both ends. Take care.