IIO today said they are looking at aug 1/99 nd and will take

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I also talked to IIO just now. He says my case is still pending. Does this mean I am going to get RFE for my case?

ND AUG13th 99
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he said they are processing august cases. I asked him whether my case is with adjudicator , he said he can not give that information.
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You mean you are not surprised to hear that it will take a couple of weeks to move from Aug 02, 1999 (since Aug 01, 1999 was a sunday) to Aug 03, 1999? I don\'t know what you think, but I think it is very surprising.....
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Yes it\'s surprising and disappointing and prbably not true....I just never thought that anyone could think that Aug 3rd could mean anything other than the 3rd day of Aug!!
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Ned, Yes, you are right. It is very surprising, disappointing & probably not true. I was hoping to hear that it was a "typo" on the part of aug99_nd. But now I hope the IIO was just blurting out some number.......
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That\'s what I was hoping to, when I called them after seeing some aug 25th approval. So, asked him twice to confirm, what he is saying as my ND is aug 3rd. But, he kept on saying will take couple of weeks. Yes, it is frustrating. I hope to see different answer on this board from who ever calls them.
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FP status question.
I just posted a message and I did not say it showed up on the board. So I posted again.

I and wife did FP on 08/18.
I called FBI today to check status. We have been told that FP was completed at the same day and send back to VSC.
Does this mean that FP get cleared?
My detail:
RD 08/2000
ND 09/2000
