iGaters and others-- would like to share this with you!

Phil Spears

Registered Users (C)
Hi Folks,

   As I had posted earlier I had an RFE issued on 07/19. Today I came to know that it was replied by my employer on 26th. So I thought its time to get a "status" on my application. I asked my wife to call and the IIO refused to tell her the status of my application. So I called and after an hour I get this IIO who sounded not friendly. The conversation goes like this....
Me: Good Morning! How are you?
She: Fine...what do you want? (!!!!!!)
Me: The status of my application the receipt nmber is XXXXX
She: Your Name?
She:You just called! why are you calling again?
Me: It was my wife and the Officer spoke to her refused to give her my information.
She:Hold on let me talk to an officer!!
Music plays...little while she comes back
She: You are calling daily (????)...you called last friday?
Me :NO
She:last Thursday?
Me:No...maybe my lawyer called...I don\'t know.
She: Hold On!
Music plays.....she comes back
She: You have to go through the congressional unit.
Me: I don\'t Know what you are saying
She: Since you are through the congressional unit you have to go through that unit. OK? and hangs up.

I had contacted the Congressman and both the senators. I do not know whose office made a dent and evidently it pissed off the INS. I think someone\'s office was sitting on their head....by calling daily...which doesn\'t look good.

So what now? just wait? Do I have to regret for this? Do you guys have anything to say?
No Title

Phil, if "Congressman and both the senators" will contact VSC at the same time - you case will spend some time travelling in-and-out different units... I guess one senator would me more than enough - otherwise it will be overkill
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Phil Spears, Sorry to hear that. May be you got a bad IIO. May be there is nothing called congressional unit. Otherwise somebody else would have likely got similar response and would have been disclosed in this forum. I think you should approach through the IGATE lawyer. Talk to LD and see whether they can ask lawyer to talk to VSC.
Please read this.

Phil -

I personally feel that talking to LD and having them telling Lawyer to speak to INS may be time consuming but as mentioned by you that you did contact senator earlier. So contact the same senator\'s office and let them know that this is the answer you received and optionally include the name of IIO that you spoke to (Did you get the IIO# or Badge# for that IIO ?) Please post.

**As I had posted in my approval post that some a******s at INS don\'t like this kind of strategy by applicants but since you have already jumped into water, it\'s better to swim rather than getting drowned. That would have been my personal approach if I was in this situation.

Anyways I am sorry to hear that it happened to you.
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In total I had called the INS only 3 times in the past two years.

The IIO that I spoke to did not give her name...she started off saying "hello...immigration" then the conversation went as I have posted.

Khoka makes sense.

maybe u should contact the Senator, but I wouldnt blame myself for having contacted anybody, we try to do what is best, and usually it works out, hopefully it will work out for you too. Good Luck
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AFAIK there is smth like "congressional unit" in VSC - they are dealing with all requests from your senators, etc about your cases
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Phil, The issue here is you have no information re: whom you talked to so if you approach the senator and if they ask you this question which they probably will, that will put you in a difficult situation but there is nothing that can be done at this juncture, the other option would be to keep on checking AVM for another 10 or so days and then contact the senator again.

Also, earlier when you talked to INS what was your interpretation about the IIOs response I mean, did they satisfactorily answer your questions ?

Thanks. Good Luck !
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yes...very polite and satisfastory. In fact the IIO that my wife talked to was very polite to her saying that she cannot give my information to her....my wife called this morning before I did.

Maybe I shouldn\'t have called today! It was very bad to start a monday like this!!
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  I also had the same experience last week. That cute bitch at VSC refused to give any information since my case is in the congressional unit. I asked the congressional person and she called VSC and they told her to wait for another 30 days, which by the way they told last month also. Mine is a company name change case with amended I-140 approved, no RFE or approval. Priority date if someone believe is summer of 1996. I want to kill all these bastards and hope someone can cut into pieces the reproductive system of IIO\'s with sword of Tipu Sultan. Anyone out there living close to VSC???
Question for Phil and 485-1099

Did you both contact more than one senator and congressman. Also, did you keep track of the number of times your senator(s) and congressman contacted INS. The reason i\'m asking this is because, my senator contacted INS thrice so far after hold was removed from my case. I\'m able to talk to IIO\'s without any problem. Maybe it is the number of times your congressman/senator contacted INS that made INS handle your case through congressional unit. Trying to find a pattern here.
Cool it

Even though your fruatration is understandable,, do not make such comments. You might get into trouble. I understand how it feels to be a 1996 PD and still waiting, because I am in your boat too...
Cool it

Even though your frustration is understandable,, do not make such comments. You might get into trouble. I understand how it feels to be a 1996 PD and still waiting, because I am in your boat too...
No Title


I would like you to remove either your posting or the harsh words used by you.

To ennable you to do that "485-pending" should remove his first. So 485-pending please help 485-1099 to remove or correct his posting.

No Title

My apologies for the harsh words...I can\'t help my communist thinking. Anyway I don\'t see any option which can help remove my earlier posting...Sorry for the incovenience...
Wow, it\'s amazing the arrogance of the INS

I keep reiterating time and time again .. this is an organization that needs to be trashed and built from the bottom up .. I\'m sorry to hear about your situation .. my advice .. just lay low for a spell, like maybe two to three weeks, then call again ..
No Title

In what situation should I contact my Senator. I have a case which is going to be denied due to "abandonment" This means that INS (supposidly send FP notice but my lawyer nor myself received them.

I am going through ALIA and my lawyer. Would it help contacting a senator? Should I talk to my lawyer before contating the senator.
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I think you should contact both senators and congressmans office and let them know what happened. They are obligated and you should let them know that VSC is not answering your queries.