Rajiv Gandhi

Registered Users (C)
My RFE was generated on July 18 as per AVM and LD has not received it yet. I have seen some posting in this board where some of said that RFE was generated early-mid July but not receiving it yet. Did anyone tried calling IIO regarding their RFE. Please post. I\'m planning to call the IIO next week if i dont receive my RFE by next week.
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Make your lawyer call an IIO, I think this works. My RFE was initialted on 6/6 and until 6/27 the RFE\'s were not recieved inspite me talking to two IIO\'s, so I made my lawyer call them and it was finally printed on 6/29.
IGATE - Got RFE copy

Please check the details here

akashganga "IGTE - RFE copy received" 7/28/01 7:50pm
No Title

My RFE was mailed out on 11th of July and till friday 27 th of july my RFE was not received by LD..
No idea what to do
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RFEs are taking approximately 2 - 3 weeks to reach LD. My RFE generated on June 25 was received by LD on July 10.
Talked to IIO

According to IIO, INS may re-mail your RFE if it is not received within 21-days. LD says that they will follow up with INS if they don\'t receive my RFE this week. Thought i could share this info.