If You Support the DREAM Act, please do something


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Below is a message from a number of immigrant rights organizations"

Today, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL), Chuck Hagel (R-NE) and Richard Lugar (R-IN) will introduce the DREAM Act as an amendment to H.R. 1585, the Department of Defense authorization bill, which returns to the Senate floor for debate this morning. You may remember that the Department of Defense authorization bill was debated in mid-July but was pulled for reasons unrelated to the DREAM Act.

The DREAM Act would provide a 6-year path to permanent residence and eventual citizenship for individuals brought to the U.S. years ago as undocumented children if they graduate from high school and continue on to college or military service.

This may be the best chance this year for the DREAM Act to become law (although most likely it will not be the last opportunity). If the amendment passes, the DREAM Act would stand an excellent chance of becoming law this year. The amendment will need 60 votes to pass.

We do not yet know when the vote will be, and it is possible that procedural obstacles could prevent one from occurring at all. But regardless, it is imperative for all DREAM Act supporters to call your Senators and click here to send an e-mail message to them today, and again tomorrow, and again every day until the vote occurs. You can find your Senators' phone numbers here.

This time, even more than the last time the amendment was set for consideration, anti-immigrant groups have come out swinging by spreading falsehoods about the DREAM Act in an attempt to inflame their base to intimidate Senators like they did in the Senate debate about immigration reform. But DREAM Act supporters are passionate too. We can and must fight back and match their intensity.
I dont think I can support the dream act. Look this is a back-door way of giving benefits to people that are here already..Either give it to all or dont give anyone..
way too selfish

I dont think I can support the dream act. Look this is a back-door way of giving benefits to people that are here already..Either give it to all or dont give anyone..

Do you really think legalizing everyone is the anwer? I don't. It should also not be imposible (like it is now). The DREAM Act is a great way to get started though. It would not only benifit students who are trying to become productive members of society, but it would also benifit this country. A RAND study showed that "a 30-year-old Mexican immigrant woman who graduates
from college will pay $5,300 more in taxes and cost $3,900 less in government expenses each year than if she had dropped out of high school.
This amounts to an annual fiscal benefit of over $9,000 per person every
year, money that can be used to pay for the education of other [American]
Do you really think legalizing everyone is the anwer? I don't. It should also not be imposible (like it is now). The DREAM Act is a great way to get started though. It would not only benifit students who are trying to become productive members of society, but it would also benifit this country. A RAND study showed that "a 30-year-old Mexican immigrant woman who graduates
from college will pay $5,300 more in taxes and cost $3,900 less in government expenses each year than if she had dropped out of high school.
This amounts to an annual fiscal benefit of over $9,000 per person every
year, money that can be used to pay for the education of other [American]

Well if they dont legalize everyone..dream act is going behind the back of everyone and doing it. Dream ACT will legalize all illegal childrens of immigrants right?
Most ot them are or will be over 18 and could sponsor their parents when they become citizens....I know there is law that says that anyone who came here illegaly cannot be adjusted but there are waivers.

If you are talking about studies. LEGAL residents spouses/kids who cannot immigrate because of visa waits send over billion dollars per year to their spouses..which could be used to pay taxes here.

I think if they want to fix immigration, fix the whole thing for once and all.
Well if they dont legalize everyone..dream act is going behind the back of everyone and doing it. Dream ACT will legalize all illegal childrens of immigrants right?
Most ot them are or will be over 18 and could sponsor their parents when they become citizens....I know there is law that says that anyone who came here illegaly cannot be adjusted but there are waivers.

If you are talking about studies. LEGAL residents spouses/kids who cannot immigrate because of visa waits send over billion dollars per year to their spouses..which could be used to pay taxes here.

I think if they want to fix immigration, fix the whole thing for once and all.

Would your mind change if the law specified that people who got their green cards via the DREAM Act could never sponsor their parents/siblings? They could however sponsor their spouses under normal rules.
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Does anyone know when they are voting on it

Does anyone know when they are voting on it, the Defense bill/dream act?
Would your mind change if the law specified that people who got their green cards via the DREAM Act could never sponsor their parents/siblings? They could however sponsor their spouses under normal rules.

NO i dont care about all that. My point was that these politicans are saying no amnesty no amesty..dream act is also amnesty because 100 percent of dream act benefeciaries have parents who are illegals..they can sponsor them one day after they become citizens with dream act right?

So then why not do this correctly? Give everyone benefit and forgot this back-door way....