If you have used AP, could you please answer.....


Registered Users (C)
I heard that we will be receiving two approval letters from INS.
Do we have to carry two approval letters with us at Port of Entry?
Will they keep it with them or just put stamp on it and give it back?

Could you please post your experience.

How many days it will take to receive the aproval letter in Dallas?

RD: 02/18- ND: 02/20- AD: 09/04 . Waiting for Approval letter.

Thanks in advance..
you will get them very soon, in my case it took 10 days to receive after approval. I got two letts and I carried both of them when I travell, Ins put stamp on only one.
It depends

Some are getting two approvals and some are getting just one. I got two in the first time and one in the second time and looking forward to the third one.

I was asked to surrender one AP at Mumbai airport, I was reluctant and gave him a copy of AP. I told him that i may need two APs at US. He was convinced and got the xerox copy. Hope this helps.
I have used AP about 50 times over the past 2 years and have always carried only one copy...the other I have in my safety deposit box just in case I lose the original.
2 ap's

I got 2 ap's but at the post of entry(atlanta) , the officer checked my old H1 stamp (Even though it was expired) and looked the AP, Said That's it you can go now... No Stamp on AP or any thing like that
I got 2 aps and travelled to India with both of them. In India they did not ask anything. At the port of Entry( ST.lOUIS) they have stamped on my AP and have given it back. I have a spare one which I can use for the next time.
Yes, of course, I have used the same one more than 50 times. At some POE's (Canada) they just write the date on it, but at others they gave me a new I-94 card and a second sheet stapled to the AP with the date on it stamped.
They issue us 2 ap's. Each one can be used for a single use. Once you travel and come back one AP is used. You can use the second one before the expiry of the sais AP.
Sorry for that . I was under the impression that single AP is for a single use. Since they have stamped at the POE, I thought we can we cannot reuse it. Thanks for correcting me.
Received Approval letter on 12th.

According to online, AD is 4th Sept, but Approval Notice is having 29th Aug date.
you can use only one AP

I've traveled on the same AP and they stamped it twice. However, when I was in transit at the Amman airport, the guy said if i had the second AP. and i showed him the other... the crazy amman imm officer says that the other was a fake one! which ofcourse was not... so i would only take one and hand tell them that only one is needed.. needless to say they will say you have a used one and they want a new one.. I would therefore get a written doc perhaps from a lawyer stating that u cna use a previoulsly stamped AP.. hope this helps..