if you happen to change employer on j1

respected J1's

i have a question

is it possible..that after some time being on j1 with your host employer, if you dont get along with the work,, or if you get hard time from your co workers..or if you are made redundant from the job..... .... and now my question is....

that can you go and work legally for somebody else...and transfer your j1 from first employer to another employer

how is the procedure to work for the second employer and that to legally

is it transfer really possible and has somebody did it..

waiting for your kind reply and insight of knowledge..which will help and reach..thousands...of me..

thanking you

Transfer of J is one of the easy things in the world of immigration. what you need is another sponsor who accept you and give you an offer to the end of your time allocated for your J (for example if your J for three years and you spent one year with your current sponsor, the second can give you the 2 years left). By the new offer, the current sponsor shoud transfer you (on line process) to the new one unless you have certain agrrement with your current sponsor which will prohibit you from moving.