If we get EAD from local INS office, does the Texas INS issue a EAD after that


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If we get EAD from local INS office, does the Texas INS issue a EAD after that?

My RD is 06/01/01 and got ED from local office on October.I haven\'t received EAD from texas until today...When I called them they r telling non-sense story that "procesing EAD for may and will take time".Pls help!!
Yes, You will get EAD from Texas.

Yes. I Got Temp EAD from local INS first and followed by EAD from Texas in 2 months. I started using the one i got from Texas.
How did you get EAD?

Did you go to your local office with your EAD receipt?
Was it more than 90 days since you applied for EAD?

Appreciate your response.
