If spouse works on EAD, will I automatically lose my H1 Status


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My spouse is planning to pick up a job, since we have our EAD\'s. If my spouse works on EAD, will I automatically lose my H1 status and get converted to EAD status. Please advise.
Same boat ... asked lawyer and they said \'No\' you don\'t

Same boat ... asked lawyer and they said \'No\' you don\'t

Yes, you will lose the H1 status the moment if you or your spouse start using the EAD as per my lawyer

H-1 statuses are independant of each-other. An H-4 would lose H-4 status if the H-1 worked on EAD since there would then be no H-1 status for the H-4 to be a derivative of. H-1\'s are different and are not derivative of any other visa status.

Jim: Question for you ?

If my wife starts working on EAD, Does she loose her H4 status ? If she looses, is there anyway to go back to H4 status...

What is the benefit of kepping H1 status?

Could somebody please explain why is it necessay OR how benificial it is to keep your H1 status?
Thanks in Advance.
It\'s certainly not necessary, but . . .

it allows travel and employment and does not need to be renewed every year. It also provides a status to remain in the US if, for some reason, the I-485 is denied.
