if loss of PR due to extended absence can we reapply ?


Registered Users (C)

I have a question that may interest many of us:
if one looses canadian pr due to an extended overseas stay beyond 183 days/365, can they reapply all over for residency and go through the same procedures ?
does anyone know about this ?
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The only thing you can do is apply for RRP in a Canadian consulate where you are staying.If they are satisfied your answer, they will issue RRP which will allow to return to canada.
Once you are a landing immigrant it does not make any sense to apply again. Your point is that if one does not satisfy the residency requirement. It does not matter. In eyes of Canadian immigration, they are still landed immigrants. when people are caught in the border
they revoke their landing status and put a stamp on the paper "CANCELLED-This person is no more permanent residence".

hope this gives you an idea
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Ok, this seems like being between a rock and a hard place:
someone realizing that they have been out for more than the accepted amount of time want to do the right thing and get legal again. So they cannot reapply ? the only chance they have is to sneak back in and risk getting caught and then and only then when the pr is cancelled can they reapply. thats wierd. they should just allow that person to reapply - my opinion.
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Mr Hasher,
By reapplying you are not doing the right thing as you already have landing status even though you have not met the residency requirement.
You should have surrender your landing paper to the nearest consulate and then you can always reapply after one year.
its funny to me that you have landing paper and status and you want to apply again. There are certain immigration laws which you have to follow.
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It is also worth remmembering that although you have been out of Canada for >180 days, if you did not abondon you ties to Canada your PR would not be revoked. Ties to Canada can include maintaining an address in Canada, a bank account, family etc. Also the immigration or custom officer at the POE would have to refer your case to an immigration judge. You can then explain your case to the judge.
I remmember being told all this when landed. It is not a legal opinion, of course.
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I agree with your first two lines.
Yes, an immigration official can revoke somebody landing status if they find that he has lied to the officials about his status and a fraud has been committed.
Otherwise an immigration judgs has to revoke.