if AVM changes to :"Your FP ... pending review" IT DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE OK

Same message as Deep Verma

My message is the same as Deep Verma\'s
FP collected on 11/27. processing has been resumed in your case and you will be notified when decision is made".
Previously, it was the same "Your I485 .... "
WAC 01 268 xxxx
FP Done 11/16 AVM Update 11/27 Sacramento.
When did you check your AVM?

I have done FP same as yours & I\'ll check my message tonight & keep you posted
viv12, was your FP done Manually or Electronically ...

If it was manual then we notice a pattern emerging otherwise there is a chance that they just modified the message for later FP doers(Those whose FP\'s were collected by INS after 11/16) to provide more clarity. The earlier message was ambiguous as to whether the FP\'s were pending or the 485 case was pending.
Possible FBI responses to your FP

FBI sends back the following possible responses to FP :
1) NOT IDENT - This means that your FP quality was good and they could not find you in their criminal database and you are clear
2) IDENT - This means that your FP quality was good and they found you in their database. A rap sheet may or may not be attached. Even these cases go for adjudication if a rap sheet is present. The adjudicator will probably send it to the district office for interview.
3) REJECT - Your FP quality was not good. The possible sub responses here are R(1) and R(2). Both scenarios are "unclassifiable" prints. R(1) is sent back for a FP reschedule. R(2) is sent for interview. I am assuming that the "R" here means "Ridge Break". The number may mean the number of ridge breaks.
4) PENDING - FBI wants to get further information on your FP\'s. This may be the report that IIO\'s sometimes say they are waiting for.

I don\'t know if an IIO will tell you what the FBI response was. They can sure see it on the screen.
"Process has resumed on your case..."

I just called, I had my FP taken on 11/15, the message has been changed to:
"On November 27th, result of your FP review .... was received, process has resumed on your case"

Any idea what it really mean?

Roger Cadoret


Well, I have the same message and I had my FP taken electronically at the San Jose office. So the message is not linked to the way they take the prints...

Roger Cadoret
By Machine

The FP was done using the m/c.
Standard Process. A lady took FP\'s till the m/c
came up with "Pass" and they were later OK\'ed by
the supervisor. I had a few ridge breaks but for
my wife all fingers came OK the first time itself.
Her message is also the same as mine.
No Title

i think it means--
 they were processing your case
 took a coffee brake-:) ,
 asked you to do FP in the meantime
 and once they received it, they started looking again at ur case