iEAD Renewal at SFO


Registered Users (C)
Folks(TheWho,Taj India)

I went to the SFO office and i was asked to come back after 03/02/02 which is 80 to 90 days after my receipt date as my EAD is expiring on 26th FEB.

So, looks like the sacramanto guys are giving the iEAD's but not the SFO INS office ....

I was over there today at 4:00am and was the 4th person getting itno the INS.
Well, sorry to hear that. March 2nd is not too bad. I got my EAD because for me it was about 77 days since RD (62 days since ND). You should've gone around Feb 20th. Perhaps you could go again 2-3 days before your expiry date and try again. What is your RD/ND?

Sorry to hear that GCVij!!!!

Hi GCVij:

How many days from the EAD notice? very sorry to hear that. I am going to go on the 20th but I am in bad shape but I will try my best.....

RD 12/31/02
ND 01/02/03 (2nd Jan)

Can you tell me what the whole experience was? Did they even give you a chance to explain? Were they cooperative at all? All these things could be helpful to me.... What did they ask for in specific... as my AP is expiring on Feb 14th and my I-94 says that I am parolled till 14th.

Anyway I am in a deep s**t but I still feel I will take my chances.

Again feel bad for you but hey 03/02/03 is not bad at all...

Regarding your AP situation, I94 expiry should not be a problem at all. I just chatted with Shiela Murthy and confirmed again. I am in same situation with I94 upto 12th Feb. I entered US last week.
my experience ....

what he asked me was the EAD reciept and the I765 form. It is clearly written in the EAD reciept that 80 to 90 days processing .....

He did not even look at my expiry of my EAD initially and asked me to come back after 3rd march.

I patiently explained to him and also told him that the Sacramanto and San jose offices had issued the EAD for other folks. And also, asked him about my EAD, would expiry and would not be able to work for those few days.

What his reply in-turn was - SFO ins would not issue any iEAD before the 90days of reciept date and if they had issued its their center stuff and would not be able to comment.
About my expiry, he said i should be fine if the employer has no problem with the EAD since its only 4 days.

He wrote it down on my i765 form when to come and he also initialed it.
So we have learnt that you can take a chance of getting iEAD before 90 days but it is not guaranteed. If it is absolutely necessary than take a chance otherwise it is better to go after 90 days.
Always keep buffer of atleast 90 days between expiration date of current EAD and renewal application without any fault.
If you think you might get GC but currently you are working on EAD then don't delay, apply for new EAD before 90 days. (it is better to spend $88-120 instead of loosing peace of mind)


About my expiry, he said i should be fine if the employer has no problem with the EAD since its only 4 days.

What that means if the employer does not have a problem then one can work with an EXPIRED EAD but a valid EAD RENEWAL RECIEPT?

Can you just calrify GCVij????



these are the things which make me honker bonkers .... what the f*** is INS thinking of us and i am not sure what f***en thing is right or wrong anymore man ...

sorry for loosing my patience with the INS rules???
Take it easy....

I loose my cool somedays too... Take it easy... INS is the way it is..
We came to their country they do not care about anything or any values.. all the society cares about is money...

Take it easy..

GC Vij.. It is easier said than done but this is the forum wherepeople keep each other's spirits up..
I am with you dude..
Need help on iEAD


I applied for renewal EAD, I am wondering whether to try my luck in getting an iEAD this week itself.

RD - 11/22
ND - 12/05

I live in East bay, do I need to go to the SFO office(I did my FP in Oakland), if so can I get the address of the location.

record conversation

i think we need to record all conversations with INS officers in the future and stream it on the web, send it to AILA etc. Bunch of clowns taking everybody for a jolly big ride. Morons.
One question for u GC!!!

Hey GC:

did you get to talk to the INS officer in that sense were you denied from the initial guy at the fornt deskor did you get a tocken and then got rejected by him...

If you could answer it will be helpful..


it was the guy in the booth, giving the token no's that wrote it on my i765 form.

dont worry its not a rejection or anything, its just bad luck!!!