iEAD in new state, used AC21


Registered Users (C)
My details:
RD 02/26/02
FP 09/11/03
FP received 09/14/02

I changed my employer using AC21 on 03/10/03, since I came to know that my old company is about to file bankruptcy. And they did that 3 weeks after I changed my company. But the new company is in WA state, who have applied for my EAD renewal in NSC instead of CSC. My EAD is expiring on July 9th. If I don't get approval before that I am planning to go to Portland, OR (nearest office from home) to get my iEAD. On AR11 forms I filled the details of new employer.

Now, my questions is, what is the procedure to get iEAD ? What all forms I need to take with me? Since the new employer filled my EAD renewal in different service center, what kind of question I should expect from the imm. Officer at Portland? Did anyone got there iEAD from a different service center offices?

I will be grateful if you could share some of your experience in this regard.
hope this helps...

-my 485 is pending at CSC and i used to live in TX.
-my company got bankrupt and i was among the ones left and we were acquired by another company. the new company's lawyer filed a notice of entry with proof of my employment
-filed for EAD renewal while at TX
-moved to OH and filed AR11.
-went to cincinnati local office and got my iEAD after 3 months, though they gave it not for a year but till the end of 2003. regarding docs, i had taken everything, but they did not even verify my ID. but i think that is an exception.
