I730 -Derivative asylum approval time


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Hello Friends,
I was wondering if you guys could tell me how long is it taking now a days to get I-730 approved? My wife filed one for me a couple of months ago. USCIS website gives time frame about 6 months, but i see on this website and some others that it might vary anywhere from 2months - 3 years. So far i have received the receipt notice with LIN number and taken the biometrics.
I am confused on what to expect. My opt is going to expire soon, and i need to maintain the status. I understand that there is nothing i can do besides waiting, but was wondering if you guys could share your experience just so i can convience my mind on what to expect.

thank you
I have exactly the same case like yours but haven't heard anything yet. However, Do not get me wrong, I don't mind to wait how ever long it takes. My concern is my family will be at public charge if I can't joind them as derivative asylee. Reason, Familay affairs, economic limitation of my wife, increase in needs of my daughter as she grows.
Bottom line.....May GOD protect them and hope the USCIS will expedite my wife's application.
Thanksfor sharing hagosea75.Hopefull, we will see the approval soon. So how long has it exactly been since your wife filed for your i730? and i believe you're outside of the U.S , is that right?
Thanks Cortaidus,
BTW My wife would have used I-130 if I were out of US. FYI I am international student. So I am in the US and My wife filed I-730 more around begining of the year 2008. Since then I was called for finger prints last september'08 and photograph last april'09. NOthing since then.
I WONDER if it is worth hiring an attorney? just to research on my status.
thats certainly a long time. I would try to call them or maybe your senator. I've read some cases here when after calling senator they promised to process withing a month or so. so we're on the same boat man. I'm a f1 student as well on opt. i finished my masters but no body wants to do h1b now a days. and i don't even know if i should do h1b or just wait. but wait for how long, seven months my opt will expire , i don't just want to go to school to maintain status and can't offord the good ones with out of state tution. its awful to waste around time for a simple approval like this when required conditions are met.
Yes we are on the same boat. What Senator are you talking about. YOu know here in the states no body wants you be provocative....Do I have a senator? tell me more about it please you never know....BTW did you ever call your senator?

Any way it just doesn't make any sense to imagine it would take that long. I am sure the USCIS knows what they are doing. But I would like to stress on the fact that some files may be stacked somewhere..in an accessible place. ours can be some of them. So either I would give them one more month or hire an attorney.
I have already called them and you know the customer service doesn't tell you anything except forwarding your question to the "right" place. Go on and on....dunno what to do.
hagosea75, read this link , it talks about contacting your senator: http......://forums.immigration.com/showthread.php?t=289517. did you miss any imp doccuments when you applied? my wife's attorney was saying it might happen if you miss any imp doccument like birth ceritificate or something.. good luck and keep updated...
FOR your surprise, I hired an attorney to file the I-730. He lives in DC and I am in Texas. I don't think we missed anything. Otherwise CIS could contact us. I wanted to know if you ever contacted "your" senator.
I have checked the link. it seems worth contacting the senator. BUT have you heard anything from CIS? what r u planing to do?
It's been only a couple of months since we filed the I730 so i guess i would wait for at least 6 months before i do something about it. but, just seeing how some of us have to wait i'm worried cuz my opt's expiring and my career is on halt cuz of the papers. I have never contacted senator for help. I didn't even know we could do that until i saw some post on this forum. So far they've called me for bio and they took my pic at the same place.
Just only Two months? It has been already a year and half in our case. I am surprised to read when you said they took picture of your portrait. My case they didn't. Let them take their time but I doubt if they still have my wife's file. 1. It is out of processign time. 2. They never took my pic at the first time 3. We moved to different city though we filed AR-11. Do you mind to tell me which continent u r from just curiosity? if you are in OPT.. why don't you ask your employer to apply for you H-1B? at least to proceed with that till u get your derivative asylum status?
I got you. By the way how long has it been since your wife got asylum grant. The reason I asked you ot share u what I know about CIS process. Usually CIS would want to see the asylee apply for Green card..to see if he was at public charge. Second...CIS has less favor for beneficiaries who resides in the US than those who lives at the applicants home country. Because the purpose of relative petition is to rescue the family and reunite them.
You see about the H1-B that is what I hate and I still don't have any problem going back home for I have no fear of persecution. I believe CIS knows what they are doing except that they are understaffed. Hope they get enough budget to hire the 15,000 emplyes they planned to.
Keep me posted when ever there is new man.
Take care
By the looks of things, you're in a really awkward situation man. My dad filed for my mom and brother over 2 years ago and theirs haven't been approved yet. Mine was approved 3 months ago.

I certainly hear how you feel but looking at recent improvements, I'd say you should have your case approved within 5-6 months. Of course, I'd suggest you to write to your senator/governor and everyone else. It won't hurt. Trying to maintain your status with a Masters in Finance without any companies willing to sponsor for H1 has gotta suck. Luckily, I got approved right before I graduated (undergraduate in Finance ).

Where in S. Asia are you from by the way? ( not trying to get too personal ).
Santa Monica....I feel...

My husband got his I-730 approved last week. He filed on December'08.

Hey SantaMonica..I feel comfortable after reading your comment. Mine was filed in February 2008 and If you look at the "math" I should have mine approved by June..Infact THIS Month WOW....
I have seen the anual performance report of USCIS and it shows that they are doing their best to meet their plan for the year of 2009.
Just to touch base with you

I am in Denver, Co. two days after i filed for I730 i received the biometrics appointment letter in the mail. When i reached there at the center to take the biometrics they also took my pic and my signature at the same place. However I've heard that taking bio has nothing to do with the timeline of your case. I graduated with mba with Finance emphasis in december and so far i've had only 2 job interviews , they avoided me like a plague when i told them i needed to be sponsored for h1b. It's a bad time for finance majors with no experence to look for a job. I'm from south asia, not India.
one of my friends had a similar situation , it took him about 2 andhalf years to get i730 approved, where as his brother was approved and even came to usa withing 7 months. It's all luck of the draw , i guess. whatever happens , never lose hope and try your best. I guess thats all we can do.

How do you do? Any News?
No man, nothing's coming to my mail these days besides junk mails and bills. btw, do they usually call us for interviews? any idea what kind of evidences we need to prepare?
Walker bro, thanks for your comment. You're lucky to get it approved before you graduated. It's definitely not fun to job hunt hoping for someone to do h1b for you right now.
i wish you the best .

i am a derivitive asylee, but i don't know how long it did take for me , because my dad did apply for me while he was in USA and he did not tell me that he was applying.
the embessy in my country made an interview with me, and after 8 months i got the response.