I485 Status Snapshost for WAC-02-041-5XXXX

UGLY, UGLY stats on case assigning/approval rate!!!

10/25/02 - 10/28/02

2 RFE sent


1 RFE recvd

There are 400 (FOUR HUNDRED!!!) pending cases filed on Novemebr 16 ONLY!

And NO SINGLE approval for a fifth straight day! And only one case in average is being touched a day!

I am getting sick of it!!!
I agree about the ugly rate. I wish I knew a reason why it is the way it is. :( I wish we could do something. To start with, we can leave feedback @ INS website ..

Given 1 case being touched a day, and assuming an apprx. of 1/3rd guys approved, (considering WAC-02-41 thru 49), and an average of 500ish cases a day, we are looking at another 6-7 months before the whole batch gets approved (all of us). In other words, to approve 10 days worth work, they'd take 7 months.

In other words, this bullshit will not continue, INS CSC will either have to pick up speed, or close down. I'd lean towards option #1.

But I wish I knew why this sudden slowdown.
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status on 11/01/02

Today no activity was detected, however we have two new approvals with timestamp 10/31/02, although their statuses were changed today. So, looks like status change has up to 1 day of lag.

Finally, we have for 10/31/02:
2 - Approved
1 - RFE rcvd

Overall snapshot is attached: (BTW, why can't we post images directly to the thread? Can somebody ask to enable
Hopefully, this week we'll see more approvals. keep the good job off-patience:)
Still not convinced the web system is accurate. For example had FP done last Friday and phone system states prints received and okay.
Web system has no update. The same when I renewed my visa with a I-129 - got the physical approval 2 weeks before the web showed it as approved.

Stupid question: how does the WAC numbering system work - I thought 02 was
the year but you are refering to last years cases ? when do they increment the 02 and the second set of digits, do the 3rd set start at
zero ?
Nov 8, 2002 Status

Nothing really interesting since last run:

6 case RFE sent -> RFE recvd

Most of activities happened with cases that had been already approved earlier. It happens in the following sequence:

approved -> completed -> card ordered

Average number of cases being TOUCHED a day slowly but surely is approaching 0 (ZERO) per day.
(I don't consider RFE sent -> RFE rcvd updates as touched cases since they been already touched earlier)

I think I missed some information some where! I was tracking all those RFE cases (from you and others) and I have only three cases which changed status from RFESent->RFERcvd since 11/08/02. As per your count I should get atleast 7 such cases! Can you please check your private message and let me know what are those cases that I missed?

Very disapointing NOV stats for 02-041 guys

Brief summary of cases touched first half of November:

1 RFE sent
2 Approvals (1 from RFE)
3 Denieals

And that's it!

So, during November:

only 5 cases of almost 350 pending were touched.
only 2 cases of almost 400 pending were approved.

2 RFE recvd

1 RFE recvd
6 Transferred (oops!)
1 Approved

Is it finally moving?!

see the fresh chart in the corresponding thread...
Offpatience, even in 46 series, a lot of cases were transferred on 18nth. I guess 18nth was transfer day. They are definitely doing something .. though real slow.
20-Nov-02 update

2 Transferred
5 RFE sent
2 RFE recvd
2 Approved (changed today but dated 19-Nov-02)

(hope it will not stop again, but with CSC you never know)