I485 process may stop at July-August 1999 for couple of years aas millions people

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I agree. Although there was lots of people submitted I485 when VB was current last August,
 those cases with priority date not current will not be adjudicated until their dats become current.
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I agree with aimm.

I agree, though millions were submitted in Aug 1999, only the one whose priority dates are current will be adjudicated. Remaining will get a visa non-availability letter. I know lot of people who got such letter back in 1998 when the dates were moved back. I feel very sorry for people whose dates are not current, but hey hang in there your time will come too.
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Wrong...since the priority dates have moved back, a lot of people who filed I-485 in Aug/99 will not be eligible for a visa. Their cases will be set aside and the non-Indian and non-Chinese cases will be adjudicated :)
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That\'s true, it may stay for one ot two years. But those whose PD are current should be receiving approval in the middle of August, or at least at the end of August, which I believe
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I think they are going to put them aside to wait for PD current, and go all the way to process sept. oct. nov.
I believe they can process this at the pace of 1:1, that means VSC is clearing one month of I485 in one month by the end of sept. of course, this doesnot count those PD not currrent.
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hey bb,
i am non india/chinese and my i485 rd is for december. my question is that does PD apply for me or my pd is current. thanks
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i would like to say your PD is current, you don\'t need to worry about this, and good luck to you
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I thought if ID is not current than you can\'t even apply for
485. Once 485 has been applied than every body is in a flat
queue and will get approved on first come first basis.
I don\'t understand if someone has already applied for 485, how
can ID be not current.
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The single reason -- historically, PD had moved back several times.
So even if you had a current PD when you submit I-485, after a PD
retrogression, you can still end up with a non-current PD.