i360 pending,divorce and new life


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My exhusband and i meet in 2002,had a baby ind 2003 and got married in 2004. He petition for me in 2005. After he petiton for me the relationship took a turn for the worst. he became very absusive towards me,so finally i build up the nerve to leave with my child. I found out through legal aid that i can self petiton for myself. so i filed the i360. my case is still pending at this time. A good past male friend of mine remain in contact after my seperartion in 2007. Here i am 2009 my male friend and i grew so close now he wants to marry me start a new life and build together. He knows my situation and wants to file for me. should i withdraw my i360 or can i have several cases pending at the same time. Anyone would some good advice please comment on what steps i should take. Any advice
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Yes you can have several petitions going at once it just costs more money. VAWA green cards are pretty hard to get and when you do get them they normally take very long. As a practical matter if you marry your new man you can file your i-130 and then should wait at least 2 years after the marriage to see if there is some movement on your i-360. If there is then none then you should file i-485 so if it is approved you will just get a 10 year green card.
no, you cant have multiple petitions for the same purpose (such as green card). one petition has to be completed, cancelled or withdrawed, before another kicks off as of I485 or I130.

in other words: you can just assume: oh let me submit different forms for the same purpose and if one gets denied I hope another will get through. No.
no, you cant have multiple petitions for the same purpose (such as green card). one petition has to be completed, cancelled or withdrawed, before another kicks off as of I485 or I130.

in other words: you can just assume: oh let me submit different forms for the same purpose and if one gets denied I hope another will get through. No.

Dude you really need to do your research before posting on topics you have no idea about. Someone can have multiple petitions for the same purpose. For instance You can file employment based and family based at the same time and wait for who comes first.