I140 rejected .. Experience letter .. Urgent


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Hi Guys,

My I-140 got a RFE n december asking for experience letter from previous company.
I am not in good terms with my previous consulting company since they tortured me a lot while leaving. So i didnt have any experience letter.
My lawyer said it is ok if I get a letter from a previous colleague and get it notarized.
I did the same and sent it.
Now my I-140 is denied and my employer is saying it could be mainly because of the notarized experience letter and asking me to get original experience letter from the Company.
But I am sure, they wont give because i fought with my previous company.

Guys - please help me here what can I do?

Appreciate your help

1. Find out the exact reason for denial of I-140.

2. If this is due to experience letter, you may want to contact lawyer (not immigration lawyer) and send letter (created by lawyer) to the company asking for experience letter. This should include text stating that the company needs to give you letter otherwise you will take them to court etc etc.

Also include format of letter, so that you get what you need.

when you fiind the eaxct reason , please let us know . almost all of the big companies in India refuse to give exp letter in format specifiying tecknologies . how wre we supposed to get it ?Can you get letters from the clients though?
Experience not sufficient

Hi Guys,

I just now got the denial notice from the attorney.

It says that 140 is denied because of insufficient documents to prove experience.

Mine is EB2- I have bachelor's degree.

I provided the following for my previous 2 companies

Along with petition:
Company 1: Notarized letter from a previous colleague stating my jobs and duties and skillsets.
Company 2: Appointment letter.

They put a rfe for experience letter from company 2. And I sent the following:
Company 2: Notarized letter from a previous colleague stating my jobs and duties and skillsets.

USCIS says, the documents I provided are not sufficent for Bachelors plus 5 years of progressive experience.

From the petition:

On Nov 8 2007, a RFE was sent requesting for additional evidence that the beneficiary had 5 years of progressive post-baccularate experience in the speciality.
Specifically, the request requested that evidence "of experience must be in form of letter from current or previous employers giving the name, address and title of employer and decription of the experience of the alien, including specific dates of employment, and specific duties."
In response the counsel resubmitted the same evidence from <company A> that had been submitted with the petition and included an affidavit from a co-worker at <company B>.
The evidence from <company A> in itself does not demonstrate the required 5 years of experience nor does it provide any information that indicates that the experience was progressive in nature.
The submitted letter from Mr.<co-worker in company B> is apparently from a co-worker who held the same position as the beneficiary and does not meet the requirements of the Request For Eveidence. Further the letter does not provide any evidence that the experience was progressive in nature.

In summary, the evidence establishes that the benificiary meets the requirement of baccularate degree or its foreign equivalent but does not establish that the beneficiary additionally has sufficient qualifying experience to show equivalence to an advanced degree.


Now my attorney is saying the following options:

1) file a MTR provided I get experience letter from my previous companies on letter head.
2) file an appeal saying the documents already provided were sufficient

I have 2 weeks time. The 2 previous companies are indian companies and I am not in good terms with them. I think it is difficult to get experience letter from them.

But even if I get letter from them, do you guys think this case has a chance?
Which option to go better? 1 or 2?

Also, could anyone help me in the format of experience letter?
How to show progressive experience?
Also, after we provide letter, will USCIS verify with my previous companies by contactng them? My previous company guys are crazy. Will they say anything bad about my experience?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Appeal will get denied.

You should have posted on this forum before responding to first RFE with similar/same documents as submitted earlier.

The following may work:

Get experience letter from your manager who was working with you. This person need not be working in the same company currently. He will need to state that he was your manager and the job you were doing there, including technologies used.
this should address the uscis requirement:

"of experience must be in form of letter from current or previous employers giving the name, address and title of employer and decription of the experience of the alien, including specific dates of employment, and specific duties."

This should be on company letter head. Notarized document will not suffice.

Get this for both companies. You could get a scanned copy via email, print this and respond to RFE, get original by mail in the meantime.

All the best.
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Thanks and I have a question

Thanks worrieddude
I am planning to get experience letters and file MTR.
whats the probabilty of MTR?
Also, I saw in 290B there are two things as
Motion to Reopen
Motion to Reconsider
Motion to Reopen and Reconsider

what are the differences ? which one should be done in my case?