I wonder when the Dec 2001/Jan 2002 approvals will really begin !!!

16 months

sorry typo - It is 16 months, I am hoping that normaly my lawyer predicts very well.( by considering my previous experience My 140 cleared in 45 days , he told me the same .. same 485 receipt in 15 days .. it is true in my case.. I hoping for app also)
But it seems to be more wired,process is very slow , really one need luck in this stage .....
I dont think we will see January'02 approvals before

August 2003.

Although a post yesterday from "sickofit" whose RD is 12/11/2001 and was issued a RFE gave me some hope.

Lets see.

RD 01/10/2002
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gc_san, my light months theory is not just based on rupnet. I ran the script for each of these months and the number of I-485 per day is much smaller in Nov,Dec and Jan compared to Jul-Oct.

Also, overtime rupnet becomes more popular so the fact that Nov has almost as many cases as Oct and more cases than Sep doesn't necessarily mean that the total number of case in Nov was also higher. It could mean instead that the share of filers per month that enter their info into rupnet increased with rupnets popularity.

Finally, in June 2001 everyone from India and China became "current" and people that there waiting to file could now file their I-485 application. This created a flood for the months June - Oct, but the months after that returned to 'normal' levels.

These are just my explainations.
What ever be the argument, i do't think there will be some heavy months and some light months. The total number of applications willbe more or less even in all the months except when some change of rule take place (as in June'01 when everything became current and in August'02 when concurrent filing started). The effect of everything becoming current might have taperred ff by September. So there may not be any change in volume from Oct'01 to July'02. I would expect a lot of difference in volume for the 2 or 3 months preceding August'2002 and 2 or 3 months after that becuase of concurrent filing policy.

I am going to create a new thread to discuss ways to counter BCIS on these delays. I will name the thread as "Force BCIS to Speed Up".
dsatish that is not true. Around May 2001, the EB3 dates became current (if my memory is correct), this would have resulted in a flood of applications during the first few months. Further, December being a holiday season, we can expect light volumes during Dec & Jan. I completely agree with helge's argument that we are seeing more cases on rupnet because it is getting more popular not because there are more cases.
I agree with helge. The number of cases in rupnet is directly proportional to its popularity whereas the results of the script run against BCIS site has got nothing to do with popularity.

dssatish: when you started off your sentence with "what ever be the argument" you instantly lost credibility because that implied that you are not even willing to consider helge's argument. Refute with logic not by creating a dumb new thread called "Force BCIS to Speed Up". People in BCIS do not give a rat's ass about our opinion.
There are 4 more weeks in May. Hopefully all the Oct and Nov filers get their approvals/RFE's in the first 2 weeks. Then we December filers should see some approvals trickle in last 2 weeks. By the end of June we (December filers) should all get our approvals/RFE's. That's just my prediction bereft of any logic.

RD 12/26/01
ND 1/7/02
FP 3/30/02
Seems 50% Nov cases been touched by BCIS so far according to rupnet. I see Dec right on the corner. Ring the bell!