I wonder what the USCIS thinks about this idea?

Hey guys, I just found this article on the Internet. What do you think about it and I wonder what the USCIS thinks about it?


I heard about that yesterday. I just wonder how many people will be sucked in thinking the GC would be an automatic thing once they get married - just file the forms and presto instant GC.

I can see the IO's now - "So, how did you meet?" "Oh, so you just happen to fall in love and get married after being on an immigration dating game... hmmm... well.... DENIED!"
Certainly sounds like a unique concept, but I doubt that many Americans will be interested in it. From an American audience perspective, how interesting is the prospect of a green card in comparison to marrying a millionaire? Perhaps it could cater to an (illegal) immigrant audience, though.

I don't think it would necessarily disqualify someone from getting the GC, but proving a bona fide marriage would be harder. Whatever they say on the show could be very important to their case.