I was hung up on the 800 line!!


Registered Users (C)
This is unreal. Since my recpt numbers are still not online, I thought I'd call and see if anything was happening.

Stay on hold for about an hour and finally someone answers the phone. This is a woman with such a thick accent, it is almost impossible to understand her English.

Her: What is the nature of your call:
Me: My receipt numbers are not online and I want to see if there is an update
Her: We are understaffed today so that is why you don't see your case online
Me: What does the call center staffing have to do with online status?
Her: That is none of your business
Me: OK, can I get a status check then on my case?
Her: Only if you apologize to me
Me: Apologize for what?
Her: Yhgsk jshokjs skjskjs (mumbling)
Me: I'm sorry what?
Her: What do you mean what?
Me: I mean I didn't understand what you said
Her: What didn't you understand?
Me: Can I just get a status check please?
Her: I told you only if you apologize
Me: I'm still not sure what I need to apologize for (and i seriously have no idea)
Her: OK you think about it and call back.


WTF was that?
That's almost funny. I'm usually a patient and understanding person, but that is outrageous. Hope they monitored that one.
sarrebal said:
Frustrated government employee who makes barely 30k but thinks to have enormous power.


As far as I know, most hotline calls are answered by outsourced contractors.
Nevertheless, this call center agent should be fired.
Were you rude at all? In all honesty...

It is a pain to have to deal with ANY goverment employee but that conversation just seems a little unreal...
payala said:
Were you rude at all? In all honesty...

It is a pain to have to deal with ANY goverment employee but that conversation just seems a little unreal...

Not at all, what I wrote was pretty much how that conversation went. Lasted about 45 seconds, I didn'tt have time to be rude even if I had wanted to. :)
eddie_d said:
Not at all, what I wrote was pretty much how that conversation went. Lasted about 45 seconds, I didn'tt have time to be rude even if I had wanted to. :)
Eddie...if this is how the call went, I am very surprised and feel sorry for you. On the other had...I have to say this....LOL...are you sure someone did not pick up the phone from the other room and played a prank on you??? :)
EricNeesGC said:
Eddie...if this is how the call went, I am very surprised and feel sorry for you. On the other had...I have to say this....LOL...are you sure someone did not pick up the phone from the other room and played a prank on you??? :)

LOL...what can you do right? Sometimes life just throws a curveball at you, just gotta go with it.

I wasn't so much upset as I was amused and just plain stunned, that people act like that.
No laughing matter

OK, I know its not funny, because you sat on hold all that time and stuff. And you don't know what's going on with your case. And its kind of scary that THOSE people have their hands on ALL our cases. But good grief, I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. And I needed a laugh today. Sorry that happened to you, Eddie, but thank you for sharing.

My sides hurt. :D :D :p
eddie_d said:
LOL...what can you do right? Sometimes life just throws a curveball at you, just gotta go with it.

I wasn't so much upset as I was amused and just plain stunned, that people act like that.

45 seconds call is more like a fastball, isn't it ? Sorry, couldn't resist :D
LOL I am not laughing at the inconvenience you had to face but the whole mood of the call, That Service center operator was probably having a bad day already and was venting on you, Not that it is justified or right, but i can see it happening.

That should be a monologue for Triumph the Insult Dog covering Immigration Process or a monlogue on the Tonight Show, Are you sure you are not one of the writers for Jay Leno or Conan Obrien, :D

Seriously I am sorry you had to go through that, but your minor inconvenience & suffering brought laughter and smiles to a lot of us on an otherwise bland Monday, so Thank You

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rex1960 said:
Customer Satisfaction is unknown to Germans :D

Wait, that qualifies them to do the USCIS hotline :D :D

Nein, Rex, das ist doch nicht wirklich so. Die deutschen Leute lachen und lacheln nur nicht immer wie die amerikanischen Leute.
pianoplayer said:
Nein, Rex, das ist doch nicht wirklich so. Die deutschen Leute lachen und lacheln nur nicht immer wie die amerikanischen Leute.
How do you know ? Woher weisst Du das ?
rex1960 said:
How do you know ? Woher weisst Du das ?

Meine Mutter ist deutsch und ich reise oft nach Deutschland. Ich habe viele Verwandten in Deutschland. But I was really only kidding! he he