I want to be Cuban

You are shallow!

Just because Cuban can get legal status quicker, you want to be a cuban? You are so shallow. This country will be better without you.
gutterboy is smoking weed again, gutterboy is smoking weed again, gutterboy is smoking weed again, gutterboy is smoking weed again.

Where do these self righteous, moralistic people with no humor come from? *sigh*

Though for a minute I thought Tasse wanted to be Mark Cuban (Dallas Mavs Owner), and I thought hmmm, I wouldn't mind being a billionare my self! :)

Just because you pretend you are funnier, you have the right to ask where I come from? S**88man is a bit shallow, but you have no depth.

I just know this forum for 6 months. But that's enough for me to know only two men are really helpful, pcee and offpatience. Their web tracking and spreadsheet are useful tools for an average IQ man to draw his own conclusion of what's going on. I don't need to see the C**p from S**88man or I**_take_4ever. They curse for the sake of curse and they guess for no reason to guess. You guys can be great theoretical physicists, who invent equations with absolutely no proof and usefulness.

Life can be appreciated and enjoied with smile and without bulls**t.
Woohoo we're having a fight now :) :) :)

See Tasse what you started now !! :D :D :D
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I agree with you, gutterboy

and I think your comments are similar to the ones that I made last week. Lately, this board has descended to new lows as far as I'm concerned: Endless complaining about things that you can't do anything about and a general nastiness towards the INS (uncalled for, I think) that won't get your GC approved any faster. I have to ask: Does this really make you feel better? Like gutterboy, I don't see why people find it necessary to post their thoughts on subjects they know nothing about or post theories without having any evidence to back them up. This is a waste of time and energy and devalues this board as a source of support for people in our situation.

I think this board is made of real people, and not immigration law books. But if you guys feel so strongly about your views, I will quit playing an active role on here and quit posting theories and projections and senator addresses and recourses for late gc's and suggestions and wac-02-46 daily updates and all my bitching about INS being messed up.

Regards 140 .. I know many instances where others chickened out and he stepped ahead as a volunteer to help others .. so all this foul mouthed criticism of 140 .. I am not party to it.

Anyway, now on .. by popular demand .. Silly Man is gonna play a more passive role on here.
I think everybody got full right to say whatever they got to say. If Peter / Gutter / anyone who don't like some of the posts, they are free to ignore those posts and look for more informative posts. I'll fully support people who is whipping INS ass!!!:D :D
NO! 2 persons aint popular demand

i have been surfing this forum for atleast a year RD 1/15/2002
and best thing about the forum is people helping other people.


if you don't like other people views don't come to the site or stay away when the subject reads "i want to be cuban" which clearly states off-topic. you have a option not to click that thread. This is free country, nobody force you to do anything.

At the same time you have no right to force someone to post only the views you like or call people shallow. True silly whines a bit(he has every right to do so). compare your posts to sillys or 140's, they always go out of their way to help other people unlike you guys.

Silly and 140...,

buddy, never mind them, we really need you. so please do post.
Originally posted by grassisgreen
I think everybody got full right to say whatever they got to say. If Peter / Gutter / anyone who don't like some of the posts, they are free to ignore those posts and look for more informative posts. I'll fully support people who is whipping INS ass!!!:D :D

First amendment applies here.

Its a free board with no declared and enforced objectives. Anybody can post anything under the sky, at the risk of only being ignored and/or ridiculed but then thats the spirit of these boards!
No users can set the standards and ask others to adhere to them and claim superiority.

If the posts are very bad, then there is a moderator and we should let Leila Lehman to do her job.
Aiight, Silly is back, with popular demand once more.

I'll try not to whine this time. :D :D :D :D :D :D

And yea so far Leila Lehman hasn't sent me any warnings .. so I guess the board mommy is okay with my belligerent ways ;).

Anyway, Hang in there and have a Happy ThanksGiving.
gutter and peter23 - MR.CLEAN GUYS

gutter & peter,

Can you guys please delete your postings in this thread.I see you guys are new to this board 8 & 12 posts respectively and, you started lecturing people hah! I know there are many people out there who dont even bother to post their approvals or RFE and remain silent spectators and, there are very few like PCEE, offpatience,sillyman,140 etc., etc., who are lively in this board. We should be thankful to them for the amount of reasearch they do.

As grassisgreen and madha0 suggested, keep off the board and only read if there is a approval or a rfe in the subject line. This board is very much clean compared to say, VSC.

Silly man and 140, just ignore this guys.
Give me a break...

Just because you have 133 disposable posts, you have some rights to lecture me? Give me a break. I’m talking the uselessness of negativity. You starting talking the entitlement of human rights, who are you? Some congress sponsored politician? You know how to surreptitiously change the topic will give you any seniority? Who cares?

I don’t need a grand excuse to deceive fools. The immigration process is already full of frustrations and tortures. If curse INS million times will do anything good, I’ll curse with you. I wouldn’t cause I have more trust of this country than some speculations from people have no better ways to help others.

No one did more than pcee dose, why I didn’t see him whining? I never doubt the sincere part of sillyman and I140_takes_4ever, but I never liked the f**k INS part.

Be positive, be contributory and be helpful is my theme. Tell me to shut up and leave? Who cares...
gutterboy, point taken .. can we live together in peace now? Damn time to dump this thread already.
what about my rights?

I'm just amazed at how easily people fall back on cliches and twisted logic to make a point.

No one would deny that the purpose of this board is to help one another but as soon as people start making friendly suggestions that some of the comments being made aren't that helpful, one is criticized as being ignorant of the Constitution or newbies who don't realize the value that some people have added to the board in the past. Neither of these things are valid criticisms of the comments that I made. My point was, and still is, that negative posts don't help anyone and they might lead to more negativity.

Nothing that I have said so far demeans or calls into question the character of anyone on this board but as soon as I raise objections about some of the posts, people tell me I am ignorant and that I should stop posting and delete the posts that I have already made. Unbelievable. Can someone answer this question for me: Why doesn't the Constitution apply to me as well? Where is my freedom to speak my mind?
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Re: what about my rights?

Originally posted by peter23
Can someone answer this question for me: Why doesn't the Constitution apply to me as well?

Because the United States Constitution says "We the People of the United States". As far as I know you are still the alien.