I want my finger prints!!!


Registered Users (C)
Damn, with all these approvals, two weeks after FP
I want my finger prints now!!!!!

I\'ll keep my fingers crossed, but not too crossed
incase I damage them!
Yes my lawyer did it

I insisted my lawyer to use the 120 day rule for fax inquiry. Try insisting to your lawyer too. The form was posted here earlier on this forum. Just fillup the form and take your lawyer\'s signature on the inquiry forn and fax it yourself.
No Title

How did you get the FP notice, was it a reply fax? How soon after the fax was made did INS reply back? What are the contents of the reply fax?
Chinkoy FYI

Look my response in other thread.

architect "Attorney says the FP Fax inquiry is useless." 8/22/01 3:18pm