I\'ve done 2nd FP, when does FBI finish quality checking? WAC-010-90-xxxxx

Hal Love

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I wanted to post my approval news, but I\'ve got 2nd FP notice, instead of the approval notice.
I\'ve done it on last Friday(08/03) at San Jose ASC.
How long does it take for FBI to finish checking the quality?
(When can I call FBI and ask about the quality of the finger prints?)

Good luck to all you guys!
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debo, thanks for your response.

Yes, it was rejected. (I\'ve never made calls to FBI or IIO, but sent an inquiry fax through my lawyer)
The first FP was on 04/24(done as scheduled)
Actually, for the first one, I didn\'t know the fact that I could go for FP any time if you get the notice.
Now, I got 2nd FP notice on Thursday, and did it right on the next day(last Friday, 08/03).
Once again, until I got 2nd FP notice, I didn\'t know the short course to go for 2nd FP, way before you get the notice.

This time, at least I should call FBI to ask the quality of the FP, in order not to wait for another FP notice to be delivered.
Do you have any idea for the date/time to call FBI to ask about the result of the quality checking?

Are you sure?

How do you know it was rejected?
The same case for me, I got my first FP a while ago. It was scheduled for 01 Aug, I did it on 01 Aug. Today I have got one more FP notice ( a regular FP notice, which says(with couple of other things) that "ignore this notice if you have been fingerprinted during last 90 days".) I\'m just thinking of ignoring this. This second notice issue date is 3rd Aug, so I don\'t think that INS will come to know so soon if my FP was rejected.
Anyone can throw some light???
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You are right. I think you\'ve got a normal FP notice once more, and you may ignore it.
I\'ve got 2nd FP notice, more than three months after I had done the 1st FP. How absurd, and stupid it is... It took more than three months for them to check the quality, and send the notice for the second one.

The 2nd FP notice is completely different from the 1st one.
First of all, the title is "FP Reschedule Notice", and it\'s saying that your FP was rejected because the quality is .....
And in my case, the scheduled date was not very far like the first notice. (It was within two weeks from the date the notice was delivered, but the first one was almost two months ahead.)
Hope it helps.

How do you know your finger print is rejected????

Hi Hal_Love,

How do you know your finger print is rejected? What does
the second notice say? My second notice says:
Please disregard this notice if
1) you have been finger printed last 90 days
2) your application has already been granted or
3) you were under 14 years of age or over 79

I am not sure if my finger print is ok or not, because I check
FBI, and the agent confirmed that the finger printed was sent
to CSC within 24 hours. Your response is appreciated.

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Thanks for your quick reply.
I wish you all the best.
When your lawyer sent the fax, what was the response?
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Did you ask FBI whether the quality is ok or not. I\'ve heard that they don\'t tell you about the result but they tell you about the quality of FP. I think you should have asked specifically about the quality of FP.
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They dont make comment on quality. My notice appeared to be
exatly the same as the previous one except the dates are different.
I am not sure if I shlould go ahead to do the second Finger print or
not. Any Gurus please ADVISE, CIBA you there? can you make some
suggestion?? Thanks.

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Hi gc21,
As I wrote to jaishriram, 2nd FP notice is totally different.
It\'s mentioning that the previous FP was not as good for them to classify it. It doesn\'t say that you may disregard if ...1),2),3)
Don\'t worry, if you\'ve already checked it to FBI.
Good luck!
I\'ve received three FP notices so far

Hello, folks. I\'ve received three FP notices so far. I received the first one in early March and did FP as scheduled on March 29. After that I checked with FBI and was advised that the FP quality was good. However, on April 3, I received the second FP notice, which said I could ignore it if I had FP within 90 days. So I ignored the second FP notice. Now, today, instead of approval notice, I received the third FP notice and requested me to do FP in less than a week. I don\'t know what\'s going on at INS, but I dare not ignore it again. I am going to do it tomorrow morning. Nothing is more absurb and resource-wasting than INS. I should have done the second FP in April. Therefore, my advice is: do FP as soon as you receive the notice, however absurd or stupid it may sound.
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Does your last notice give any indication that your first FP was rejected.
What did you ask about the quality of FP from FBI? Do they tell you very clearly that quality is good?
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Does your last notice give any indication that your first FP was rejected.
What did you ask about the quality of FP from FBI? Do they tell you very clearly that quality is good?
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It looks like something really is driving up to the wall.
How come you\'ve got FP notices three times.
Anyway, is your third FP notice mentioning about the reason why they need another FP? (Was there any comment about what\'s wrong with your previous FP?)
Idiot INS, wasting our taxes like blood.
All regular notices

Hello, Hal Love and others. All the three FP notices I received are the same except for the dates. They are all regular notices, no mentioning of any quality issue. FBI said my first FP was processed and forwarded to INS on April 9. Anyway, after waiting so long, I don\'t want to take chances and I am going to do FP on the third notice today. INS has no efficiency and is disorganized. Anything stupid or absurd can happen there.
Are you sure?

How do you know it was rejected?
The same case for me, I got my first FP a while ago. It was scheduled for 01 Aug, I did it on 01 Aug. Today I have got one more FP notice ( a regular FP notice, which says(with couple of other things) that "ignore this notice if you have been fingerprinted during last 90 days".) I\'m just thinking of ignoring this. This second notice issue date is 3rd Aug, so I don\'t think that INS will come to know so soon if my FP was rejected.
Anyone can throw some light???