I think labor and federal in chicago is fast !!


Registered Users (C)
!! I have friend who wants to do it from here,,, do any of you guys know a company that can hire him on H1 and do the green card processing ?
we are located in chicago

We have offices in chicago, delware, newyork, we can file GC from chicago if any one is looking to file please contact us at jay200372003@yahoo.com.

your labour will be cleared in few months.
You flunked with spelling of Delaware again. Write it 100 times before you start making fake promise of couple of months.

Likhna shuru kar... jaichand...


I plan to apply my green card. I live/work in NJ. But my my company headquarter is in Chicago. Can I file my green card from Chicago? I was told that LC was much faster in there. Any info will be appreciated.