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I nees your adivice pls


Registered Users (C)
Your advice is needed please

Hey Guys,
You are doing a great jo on this plattform and i realy appreciate your effort, contribution and effort to make that we turn this lottery into a permanent residence in united state.

To make this happen there are things i would like you pple to help me with, this thing has benn bordering my mind but i will like you pple to help me out.

My wife is a winner of this DV but there are things i notice i her credencials presently she is a student of distance learning institute waiting to defend her project but she has started the sudies before our wedding and using her maiden name but after the marriage she wanted to change her name to married name but she was advice by the course advicer not to do so because of missing result.

Now that she has won DV with her married name and also form DS 230 was filled that she was about to finish her study then.

Please what can we do now to blend the married name on DV online form and the name she is using in her working place which is married name with the one she is using in the school.
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I would go back and ask on what grounds did the advisor say to keep her maiden name? If it is for a missing result, surely at the registration/admissions department they could just change ger details and still get her results. I would cnahnge her name at the school, you can't change at work or on DV.
I would go back and ask on what grounds did the advisor say to keep her maiden name? If it is for a missing result, surely at the registration/admissions department they could just change ger details and still get her results. I would cnahnge her name at the school, you can't change at work or on DV.

Thanks we have succesfully changed her maiden name to married name in her place of work and the married name was use to fill EDV online.
I really need ur advice in this matter. Please help me.

My boyfriend wins the DV2009. When he gets the 1NL we were not married, so he sent the 1NL to KCC as single man. But after some months we got married and send an update to KCC by filling the DS230 form for myself and the marrige certificat. We called and Emailed KCC to confirm if the receive the update, and they confirmed they did. Now in March bulletin he become current, and on March 24th we got the second NL, the problem is, the second NL contens only like 4 pages, which contens, the interview date, the panel phisicians, and Notice for visa applicants page. Basically we were expecting my name on this page as Beneficiries, but there is nothing.

therefore, we called KCC and asked them why his status is not changed, and they said, they didn't recevie any updated form from us, which we already send and got confrmation from them. they asked us to email them the form, but am confused here. If KCC send us the 2nd NL doesn't that mean our/his documents are passed to CP?? If it is, sending the form by email again, will really help??

i really need u'r comments on this, please help me.

Thank you
To be honest I'm not sure what is best. Did you get a reference or name of the person who confirmed the change of applicant status?
we get an email from KCC saying "Your forms have been received and are acceptable for the continuation of your visa processing." This mail was even sent before our case number becomes current.
I would suggest that you forward the Email response of confirmation you recieved from KCC, along with your complaint. I am sure they will sort it out for you. They are people too you know. These things do happen. Just do all you can while time is still on your hands and you will be fine. Honest mistake.
I really need ur advice in this matter. Please help me.

My boyfriend wins the DV2009. When he gets the 1NL we were not married, so he sent the 1NL to KCC as single man. But after some months we got married and send an update to KCC by filling the DS230 form for myself and the marrige certificat. We called and Emailed KCC to confirm if the receive the update, and they confirmed they did. Now in March bulletin he become current, and on March 24th we got the second NL, the problem is, the second NL contens only like 4 pages, which contens, the interview date, the panel phisicians, and Notice for visa applicants page. Basically we were expecting my name on this page as Beneficiries, but there is nothing.

therefore, we called KCC and asked them why his status is not changed, and they said, they didn't recevie any updated form from us, which we already send and got confrmation from them. they asked us to email them the form, but am confused here. If KCC send us the 2nd NL doesn't that mean our/his documents are passed to CP?? If it is, sending the form by email again, will really help??

i really need u'r comments on this, please help me.

Thank you

Hello MAKDV,
Just do as albanmus said.
I am not sure this would help you. but I thought I would write any way.
Have you already send the forms back to KCC.
I am asking this because I had the similar problem. We applied after marraige so, I used my marriage name. But I was a PhD studnet then, when I entered school,I wasn't married. so all my school records were in my maiden name.
What I did was i included all my names in the form sent back to KCC. As i remember there was a space to fill other names used (I do not remember the exact format of the form)
I had no problem at all regrading this. All my names were listed in the envelops they issued us back to take to US

So I think you do not haveto worry aobut it much, as along as you can show them that you changed the name after marriage, andyou have used both names to identify your self.
Yes we have send the forms back to KCC like 2 months before the CN becomes current. And yesterday we called to the CP to check if they have all documents needed, which is all the new forms and marriage certificate. And they said, "your name and interview date is in the system, but we still didn't recieve any form. We don't have even the orginal applicant form", so we were like :-S what is going on? Does that mean all the files are on their way to the CP and we have to call them back like a week or two after? Another confusion :-S
Hello my fellow winners,

Pls I need urgent response to this issue. My daughter's sex was wrongly written in her international passport as 'M' - representing MALE, instead of 'F' - representing FAMALE. Thus, the passport was issued in year 2007 and will expire in year 2012.

Pls, what should I do in this case. Should I go for a new International Passport or make a sworn court affidavit as a legal proof?

Pls, I need contributions on what to do.....
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my friend!

for starters you need to get fresh passport for your child as the American embassy in Nigeria will not accept the old Nigerian passport except the new biometric passport.

Also, i will advise you take time to read through the forum carefully

Hello my fellow winners,

Pls, is it true that Nigeria embassy do not accept an international passport issued in year2007 and to expire in year 2012
Hello my fellow winners,

Pls, is it true that Nigeria embassy do not accept an international passport issued in year2007 and to expire in year 2012

The US Embassy in Lagos accepted passports issued in 2007 for my wife and daughter, only my son and I had the newly issued Ecowas biometric passports issued in July/August 2008.
we get an email from KCC saying "Your forms have been received and are acceptable for the continuation of your visa processing." This mail was even sent before our case number becomes current.

How far any positive response from kcc if not print out kcc repply that acknowledge receive of your notification mail and other evidence of your status, take them along on your way for the interview and pray very well so they would not belief your marriage is for GC.