I need help in Fingerprinting ????


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I moved from Baltimore,Maryland to Dallas,Texas and my finger printing is scheduled at Baltimore,Maryland on May,28,2002.
My lawyer is saying that I can go to my local INS application support center in Dallas,Texas on the same scheduled date with the fingerprint notice and they will do my finger printing.
Is it possible to do ? Anyone has similar experience, please post your experience ?
You can go to any INS. Just explain them of your situation. Visit them personally. May be they will

You can even go now ....

You can even go now and explain them they will do it rightaway or will give you another date. Don\'t delay it.
No problem . My friend had same issue.

His FP scheduled in OH, he moved to LA and he gave FP there. Only difference for him is they took manual FP, probably due to region diference, but I am not sure

Dallas ASC center allows early Finger Printing (personal experience). Just put a innocent face when questioned about early arrival and say you will not be available on the scheduled date. If there are not many people, they\'ll let u do it early. I think you can do FP anywhere, it shouldn\'t be a problem if you have a valid reason. Just show the proof that you live in Dallas now.
not a problem

i actually missed my FP on scheduled date. They did the next day when i went in person. My sister was in the same situation like you. They did fp without fuss.