I have total 5 traffic citations and 1 accident


Registered Users (C)
I am applying for cititizenship. I am listing all the citations. I have 5 traffic citations (red light, stop sign) in the last 5 years. Is this too much? Un fortunately I also had 2 stop-sign tickets with in a week. Would this classify as reck-less driver? Should I be worried?

Should I be reporting my accident (I was found at fault) as a citation?

I have 10 parking citations and 2 fix it (no insurance and expired registration). I took care of these fix-it tickets.

I appreciate feedback.

Please let me know.
list all citations as it is required from the N400 form.

once you read thru the question, you know what you should list.
pmodi said:
Un fortunately I also had 2 stop-sign tickets with in a week. Would this classify as reck-less driver? Should I be worried?
I appreciate feedback.

Please let me know.

The other guys pretty much answered, I don't want to repeat what they said, I just want to emphasize that 2 tickets in one week for "stop sign" are 2 tickets for "stop-sign" not reckless driving. It is not up to the USCIS officer to "upgrade" your tickets to reckless driving...things happen and even though it happened twice in the same week...maybe your cat died that week, God knows what special reason you had that you didn't see those stop signs ;)

On a different note, where do you live, actually where do you drive?...so I'll be extra careful if I ever come to that area :D
You should consider to stop driving...or learn the driving's code and apply it.

Man, your insurance premium must be very high
pmodi said:
I am applying for cititizenship. I am listing all the citations. I have 5 traffic citations (red light, stop sign) in the last 5 years. Is this too much? Un fortunately I also had 2 stop-sign tickets with in a week. Would this classify as reck-less driver? Should I be worried?

Should I be reporting my accident (I was found at fault) as a citation?

I have 10 parking citations and 2 fix it (no insurance and expired registration). I took care of these fix-it tickets.

I appreciate feedback.

Please let me know.

You are a threat to society ! no kidding, go to traffic school. :mad:
Traffic Citations

I have One traffic ticket 10 yrs ago....that too I have paid the fine as cop told me it will not show up on my driving record...Do i still have to inform USCIS for that ticket. I dont have any documentation of that tickets as i said it was really old before even i applied for my green card.

Applied for N 400 Dallas
ND 1/17
FP 2/17
ID ????
Jsharma, many readers may overlook your question after the rubbish that started with 'caviar' ... list your 10 year old citation - just to answer the question correctly. Nobody will seriously waste a thought about this ticket when your petition will be considered.
