I have seen 3 cases later than mine approved.

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Here are my details Kevin,

EB2, India
PD 5/19/99
RD 12/11/00
ND 12/21/00
FP 3/24/01
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Here are my details

EB2 (RIR) India
PD 6/99
RD 12/11/00
ND 12/21/00
FP 3/29/00

Dimpu...looks like our cases are pretty close ...
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Yes Ranga....I really hope we get our approvals soon.

This waiting is tiring. I can totally understad how the folks with PD 1996 must feel with RFE delays and all that
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If it takes much longer I would recommend calling and trying again to speak to an IIO as fingerprints expire after 3 months meaning you may have to get them done again. I was having the exact same problem and after getting many useless IIOs got one who take an interest in my case. After explaining my worries about the dates and delays the IIO officer took the case off the shelf and I was approved the next day. I definitely wouldn\'t recommend this for everyone, but if your fingerprints have been done months ago this may be an option.
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...as fingerprints expire after 3 months...
bubba, who told you that? I thought it\'s a year.

Take care

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EB3 (RIR) Other
PD 6/00 Current
RD 12/05/00
ND 12/20/00
FP 3/3/00
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Who on this list called IIO and who did not ??

What were their responses ? I am trying to figure out if calling helps the case in any way ?? Kinda reminds them that our case is not approved yet ??

Long shot I know , but curious.
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Snail mail has never been so precious !!!

I can\'t wait to check my mailbox every afternoon as soon as mail is delivered hoping to see my approval notice !!!!!
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Who told you that it may affect your case negatively ??
My lawyer told me that but I am not sure it is true. Did the IIO say that ????
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Hmmm...so u think there may some truth in it after all....

I wonder if there would be a problem with the lawyer calling to enquire case status. I would guess not but then the lawyers don\'t have the same emotional urge to call as we do. After all it is our life in the balance , not theirs !!

I did ask my lawyer and enquire status but my request was ignored.Sigh.....
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The reason lawyers tell you not to call IIOs is probably this :

Because we don\'t know all the legal details and internal details of the law,
we may blabber something about our case that may contradict what is stated
in the application. This may jeopardise the case.
But, if the lawyer calls them, they know what to talk and what not to talk.
It is safe that way.
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yeah, that is true sirip.

But when I read bubba\'s post (in this discussion thread), I feel sometimes there must be advantages to calling.