I have my interview 10/27 will this be enough you think?


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Our interview is 10/27 @ 8:01 am at the phoenix DO....

I am married to a USC (My hubby)We will be married 20 yrs 11/3, We have a 11 yr old daughter together.
I have for joint bills:
Cell Phone (past)
Bank accts (joint)
Title to our truck (joint)
Car insurance (Joint)
Water bill
Lease agreements past and present
gas bill(joint)
past refund letter from a old landlord from 1997

We have our daughters BC
Pictures from our life together as well as our old wedding pictures
My BC Hubbys BC
Joint sponsor (they have the info but I have copies) its my BIL

My jobs paystubs
letters from my husbands doctors that he is totally and perm. disabled and unable to work

I have overstayed continuesly since may 2002 have been here since apr 91

Is this enough evidence that we have a genuine marriage?

The only reason it took us so long to get this all done was the money..a friend lent us the money and thats how we got this all done this time..Do you think we will need any letters from friends about our realtionship?? or will the almost 20 yrs be enough(1 week after the interview will be our 20th anniversary ) I just pray we will have a extra reason to celebrate...

Thanks ya'll
20 years of marriage, an 11-year-old daughter???
Not even the worst idiot on planet could doubt that your marriage is genuine.
You also have a joint sponsor...maybe just bring the original that you sent with the application, since they only have copies.

Honestly, if your interview lasts more than 2 minutes then something's wrong with the immigration officer.
I hope your right, but I am still very nervous

My husband had a stroke 2 1/2 yrs ago and now has a seziure disorder and is on oxygen...I am now the only source of income for our family ..I am more worried about my husband then me..They will be asking him alot of ?'s and most he will do fine with but if the ask him my mom or dads bday he wont get it and he isnt good with dates since the stroke his memory isnt that good anymore...hopefully the IO will understand he has medical issues
poohsmum said:
I hope your right, but I am still very nervous

My husband had a stroke 2 1/2 yrs ago and now has a seziure disorder and is on oxygen...I am now the only source of income for our family ..I am more worried about my husband then me..They will be asking him alot of ?'s and most he will do fine with but if the ask him my mom or dads bday he wont get it and he isnt good with dates since the stroke his memory isnt that good anymore...hopefully the IO will understand he has medical issues
I am sure he/she will... But you probably would need some papers from the doctor about your husband's medical condition...
Good luck to you!

I'm sure everything will be okay. As far as the genuineness of your marriage is concerned, you have more than enough evidence, and you should be approved in a breeze!

The only thing I would pay more attention to in your case would be the affidavit of support -- because, as you say, your husband isn't working. Make doubly sure the I-864/I-864A and all supporting documents are in perfect order. Read all the directions over again and make sure that you have everything you need (such as a letter from your BIL's employer, his recent paystub in addition to his tax information etc.)

All the very best to you! I'm sure everything will work out fine.
I'm sure you will be fine. You've been married 20 years and you have an 11-year old child together. I can't imagine what more they could ask for to prove that it's a genuine marriage.

Good luck with the interview! :)
God only knows they are the goverment LOL, I will let ya'll know how it goes after the interview when I get home friday..Thanks ya'll
thank you all for the support, I truly wouldnt have made it thru all this with out the help and support of this board. I will update when I get home on friday....If it gets approved then we will truly be able to celebrate the next friday our 20th wedding anniversary for 2 reasons :)
Thanks everyone for your support, I will let you know what happens as soon as I walk in the door :) I am hoping and praying it goes well and they give me a answer today My nervs are shot :eek:
poohsmum said:
Thanks everyone for your support, I will let you know what happens as soon as I walk in the door :) I am hoping and praying it goes well and they give me a answer today My nervs are shot :eek:

hi there, u should be in and out of that office in 2 minutes.
ur daughter alone is enough evidence. and if u stay more than 10 minutes in that office then the officer needs his behind to be kicked.
let us know what went down