I have a non-traffic ticket. Help


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Do I need to include copy of ticket or just mentioning it is enuf?

I have a "careless operation" boating citation. No court appearance was needed and I just had to pay a $50 fine.

I dont want to hide it.

For some reason, I want to avoid including the copy of the ticket. Would just mentioning it lead to an RFE? If yes, what would RFE ask for?
what ???

This is the immigration portal not the boating license application portal.. Sorry you are in the wrong place... What does a boating ticket have to do with anything???
I had a speeding ticket and my attorney specifically told I need not mention it in my GC application. I never mentioned it and I am GC holder since last 7 months. Nobody asked any questions
As some one else mentioned earlier, getting speeding tickets
is just a civil infractions. Do worry about.
If you have felony crime, only then you need to mention
in GC. Bottomline is that IF ARE ARRESTED DUE TO SOME
mention that in GC. But if you never got arrested, don't
worry and enjoy life.

I got my first DUI in Cali. about 2 months ago. I filed my 485 in feb 02. It's a misdeamenor. I checked with my attorney and many other attorneys. It will NOT screw up anything with your GC. Relax. If it does, you should appeal and that will get you your GC.
I'd err on the side of disclosure. Although your ticket is analogous to careless driving (which is a traffic violation and would not need to be mentioned in accordance with the instructions for the I-485 form) it is not technically (I assume) a traffic violation. I'd disclose but I am sure there will be no problems.

BTW, you must asnswer the question asked. Read question 1(b) on part 23 of Form I-485. The question is very specific about what needs to be disclosed and it covers much more than just convictions. It would even seem to cover violations of municipal ordinances such as failing to clear your sidewalk of snow within a specified period. It's very broad and the only specific exclusion is traffic violations.