I had a dream .....


Registered Users (C)
My RD is 12/07/2001 and EAD will expire in Jan 2003. I feel that I will not see my approval before Jan 2003. I was wondering if I should apply for EAD renewel. So this is my situation. I think that I do not worry as much as other waiters on this board. I went to bed on Saturday night with those thoughts in my mind. How wrong I was.

I had this strange dream last Saturday night.

The Dream :

It's Monday morning. I am ready to go to office. Before going to office I decide to go to the local INS office.
I tell my wifey "Have to go to INS to ask them about EAD renewel etc"

I reach the local INS office. It's early and there are just a couple of cars parked. I have with me our passports & EAD.

I enter the lobby and am surprised that the security guards are not present. There is an African American INS employee walking down the hall with some files in her hand. She is huge and looks friendly enough. She has a motherly look.

Me : Good morning. I am abcd efgh and have come to ....

She : I was expecting you. Well .. you are a couple of hours early, but thats OK. In fact I was looking thru your adjudication file and everything looks fine. I don't know why your file was transferred.

Me: ?????

She : I just need ur latest paystubs and passport for verification

Luckily, after 9/11 I carry last few months latest paystubs.

I hand it over to her.

She : OK .. that looks good. I will now stamp ur passport.

She takes my passport and goes in some room and gets the passport stamped.

She : Ok .. u r all set.

Me : Thanks

I cannot beleive my luck. I make my way back to the car. I must tell wifey about this. WIFEY??? What about her approval????

I rush back to the lobby. She is still there.

Me : Should I send my wife over for the approval.

She : Did she not get an interview letter?

Me : Maybe it got delayed in the mail.

She opens her file and looks up some papers

She : As per our records you are not married. We sent out just one Interview letter to you. Here it is.

I read the letter addressed to Rajiv Bhatia.

Rajiv Bhatia?? Who the hell is Rajiv Bhatia?

Now it dawns to me. My name, when pronounced sounds similar to Rajiv Bhatia. I break into a cold sweat. So now I will be arrested for cheating ... maybe under homeland security etc

The phone rings and I open my eyes. It is my friend calling to inform me that we cannot play tennis that morning as it is raining. I thank him for waking me up.

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I didnt know that Akshay Kumar and Twinkle Khanna are also seeking GC approval...(Akshay Kumar's real name is 'Rajiv Bhatia')

:D :D :D :D

Ur dream was funnnnny......Had a good laugh....


Thats the only reason I take 2 drinks before going to bed.

No dreams can Invade my Alcohol assisted Slumber:D :D :D

Good Laugh though, Dream another Dream for posting here on The Friday Thread:D :D
funny dude

You have a lot of free time dontcha?

Calgal ... I didnt know hairy gross's real name was Rajiv Bhatia.
What's jackie shroff's real name. I used to know but i forgot. I do remember it is not Jackie!
Just say NO TO DRUGS and you'll be fine...

But, on the more serious note, your post is quite entertaining and, I think, it's a good idea to share dreams on this site.

What a case for a psychologist.

You dream is wounderfull , I will beleive early moring dreams will turn TRUE. It is a good sigm , if your case is not approved then it will approve in short time from now.

good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New Martin on the block

Once upon a time Martin Luther King used to have a dream and now you .... :)
I know Jackie's real first name is Jaikishan. Don't know if his real last name is Shroff( am under the impression that it is!).
AMBYASASAM - I told you to stop

smoking that funny stuff... before going to bed....

This board is so cool... that it makes me laugh and relieve
my stress due to this painful wait.....
You forget in dream

You forget in dream that to stamp GC on passport you need two photographs. I wonder why INS office did not asked when she asked passport. (I Guss it is a Hindi movi story...!):D :confused:
Re: You forget in dream

Originally posted by Oct10Nov11
You forget in dream that to stamp GC on passport you need two photographs. I wonder why INS office did not asked when she asked passport. (I Guss it is a Hindi movi story...!):D :confused:

Good observation. Now, I too wonder. I will ask that to the INS officer in my next dream :)

Question for those who got stamped : What does the temporary approval stamp look like? Is it like the H1 Visa stamp? How many photographs do we need to carry for the approval stamping and the actual green card? I have a long way to go ... but who knows ... I may dream again and I should be prepared for the dreamy approval :D :D :D Next time I will tag wifey along for her approval :D :D :D
Re: What does the temporary approval stamp look like?


It looks like normal rubber stamp, for which we have to wait for forever (feels like it) :)
18 Words

If I remember correctly- This small rubber stamp has just 18 Words in total..

All this Anxiety and Frustrations for the 18 WORDS....