I got job, But I need to take action on Rapidigm.Please give me some sugestion

wantedHelp - I justed PM'ed you.

I am also an ex-Rapidigm. I stayed long enough in the company to see them do a volte-face. The reason why there is so much moot about Rapidigm is that Rapidigm WAS a good company, it no longer is a good one.

I guess it really comes down to that; those who are saying that Rapidigm (or shoud I say Crapidigm ;) ) has been or is good for them haven't tasted the (Rapi)medicine and those on the other end of the spectrum who have suffered or been vicitimized (Rapidigmized - another new word) are voicing their opinions in an self-appropriate tone.

My request to you on the merrier side is to put yourselves in the shoes of those who have suffered and then if you still stick to your guns then hats off to you folks.

Whatever side of the coin you intend to be on - Good Luck!
I agree with suomynona

Many of my friends from Java and VB programming back ground had been laid off even after 4 yrs of good service. The worst thing was in some cases ( where RD< 6months) they had uncertainity over GC as Crapidigm ( I liked this name :D ) had threatened to withdraw GC.

Those praising Rapidigm might be either from ERP practice group who so far fortunately have not seen the rough weather yet OR they might be Recruiters themselves who anyways have no work and earn(suck) for free and are now doing the PR exercise.
I agree with 1Longwait.
My recruiter in rapedIGM used to say that this is one of the best companies in USA. He stopped short of saying that RapadIGM is better than mirosoft , oracle ,ibm,informix.
None of my expense statements came on-time. I need to follow-up only to get 50%. To get the rest i need to have a long coversation with my recruiter who is great in giving reasons that does not make any sense. My recruiter would parry away all my questions and deem everything as "company policy". What is ludicrous is that these so called company policies are off the hat lies and not uniform among all the recruiters. Each recruiter has his own company policy. I got tired of the tons of lies that i heard from my recruiter and quit. I gave a brief account of the episode to the client i worked that time.
RapedIGM's policy is to make the consultant sweat for the money they earn.
People who speak high about rapedigm fall into one of the three categories:
1. Consultants who are treated really well.
2.Dump people who are overawed by the dollars they earned thro rapidigm and the dollar to INR conversion ratio.
3.Rapidigm recruiters who blow their own trumpet.

Rapidigm needs to realise that they are here because we are here.
Rapidigm gives better salary to a consultant if one is a gc/ead because it is their company policy.
Hi Rapidigmers & Crapidigmers..

I am the one who has written positively about Rapidigm.
But after reading many of your comments I should agree that I know only one face of many faces of Rapidigm. This is because I don't know any one working for Rapidigm to share experiences and as long as I am working I have had no problems with them.
Since October I am in bench they treated me well till the end of Dec. At the end of Dec I took FMLA leave due to personal reasons, currently I am in leave. Whatever the promises my recruiter made to me, they fulfilled except one. Before joining the company they told me they will revise the salary every year but they don't. But I am satisfied with my current salary because of market conditions.
It may be my mistake to support Rapidigm just based on my experience.
The big problem with Rapidigm is there GC policy. They don't apply for your GC when your h1 transfer is still in process. Then they apply for GC only 3 times in a year, so again you will have to wait. After your Labour is approved they will not apply for your I140 and I485 togther. To apply for your 485 you will have to wait uptill your I140 is cleared. They will not apply in CP also.

In the mean time if you are unlucky, then you will also be fired. And then light dawns on you it was a tough luck(1-2 years waste of time).
Here is my experience with rapidigm.

1. They offer a decent salaries if they can.
2. They won't ask you change your resume to suite the requirement.
3. If they could not able to market you in the current market rate, then they will ask your permission to cut your salary ( may be upto 20%).

4. If you still can't be marketable then they will ask you to leave or do some thing else depending on the situation.

5. They have a decent reputation with the clients. You should remember the name brings more value than your work. So, remember no company is making money on you, they are making money on their name and reputation. They are giving you a decent salary as well. That's it.

6. If you don't satisfy with this kind of business you can't fit in any country except INDIA, PAKISTHAN,... etc countries.

My understanding and experiences (Me and my friends)

YOU GROW and COMANY GROWS when you are with Rapidigm Inc.

With other companies,

You don't grow or they won't let you grow, and Company will grow (friends are the best example)

7. In friend's case, they asked him to find project by him self, He got the project with 38/hr. His actual salary offered by rapidigm was 95K. Still rapidigm accepted.

38 * 160 *12 < (95000 + medical benifits + 401k matching + reallocation + administration cost) = -25,000 / year. Because they don't want to lose him. Unfortunately he completed his project in 2 1/2 months and they didn't have any option... so they asked him to go on LOA. Till now he didn't get job. still he is very happy with rapidigm.

It is such a good company.
Take it easy be happy.

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Hi Dec11RD,

In that case Sai need not worry!!!! he just need couple of months to get the approval......


Ask Dec11RD for help if you are victim of any unfairness!!

Hay jlt007....

Hay jlt007:

Did i said sai need not to worry....

Every thing in your hands, How you are going to resolve the things....

Many of them are delicate.... need to handle very care fully....

Every thing follows: Right time in the right conversation or in Right place... You can get it done smoothly.

Any way what do you mean by this....

Ask Dec11RD for help if you are victim of any unfairness!!


If you are a victim.... What the fuck i need to do.....???
:mad: Just go to hell.... Don't say some thing which makes no sense...

Knock Knock...
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Hi Dec11RD
Please excuse me if i am critical of your views as it is not my intention.
I am trying to view in a different angle.

Here goes my explanation to every point of yours.

1.RapidIGM offers decent salaries because they calculate before hand if the consultant they hire is worth twice the salary. To start with the so called decent salary is the same as that offered by many other desi companies. If the consultant turns out to be more productive(it means getting an increase in billing rate within
a short span of joining rapidm) the decent salary becomes more decent as it turned out in my case.

2. I fully agree with an only exception that recruiters themselves do it. In my case my recruiter himself took the pain to add more to the recent project and convinced me that the client would take me if i show more experience in UsA. He repeatedly emphasised this point-"Be extremely confident with the clientduring the interview" Tell the client that "I really like the product you are working on... and would like to get on board with your project mates". I did not disagree with my recruiter that time when he spoke this over phone but felt too shy to make such false statements during that interview. I decided to be on my own. The client interview went fine and the interviewers were very practical in their statement. The only people in rapidigm who are exception to this concept
of doctoring the resume are white people who are in the marketing job. They are precise in their statements and listen more before they speak. I felt at home with my recruiter as he
talked to me like an elder brother. I later realised his true colours as none of his words translated into action.

3. They already have too much cushion in their margin. Rapidigm advertises itself as a fully owned american company and hence they get more direct clients and hence high billing rates.
From early 90's to late 90's most of the company stock was overstated as a result the salary expense and consulting company billng was too miniscule to be bothered and as a result rapidigm
got lion share of billing rates. They adopted a good strategy to bring good consultants by hiring desi recruiters who can speak desi language to woo desi consultants. Their strategy
paid well. None of the desis do marketing in rapidigm to the best of my knowledge.

4. They have to, because the recruiters commission will go off. RapidM is not a non-profit organisation. They are out to make money. The reality is- Since they are brokers they always
make money no matter the profit or loss made by the client company. If the client company makes loss, then they reduce the billing rate which if acceptable to rapidigm would continue,
else rapidigm would find another company for this consultant. There is always a business strategy.

5.Their decent reputation comes because of their consultants who are their assets.

6.I have no comments as this is subject to interpretaton and does not concern rapidigm

7.I know people who hit bench in 1999 and were paid for 2 months of bench salary before getting a project. The reason rapidigm paid is because they already have the buffer for every person. Your friend might have worked hard for a longer time with rapidigm and hence a higher buffer. (I FEEL sai NEED NOT WORRY)
If rapidigm went firing all bench consultants their image would tarnish like anything. So i feel that this was a safe bet. Just a thought-why don't your friend pay rapidigm $38/hour from his pocket to enjoy a salary of 95K and still make margin for the whole year instead of staying without pay.
He can also show INS a legal status. $25K pa is a great pay without working.

Dec11RD- I do not mean to offend you in any manner. please take it easy. I am sorry that i am not able to get convinced by rapidigm's sign of benevolence as I was grossly illtreated by rapidigm and hence venting out.
It's great to hear that rapidigm has been good to atleast some people. God bless you!!!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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Hi Dec11thRD,

I second gc_kodu. He has written well thought points about Rapidigm. It has been a long time for me here and I saw many companies around. Rapidigm used to have a name among them.

Well my comments have been just like observer. Like people see the show and make loud comments. I have nothing to do with this company.

Take it easy man, you need to be loyal to yourself and your work now a days not to companies (As you correctly said if you are working in US of America).

:eek: ;)

Note: By the way lot of people read this thread, Please let me know if any of you could not understand the meanng of my last mail. I may not answer to you but definitly see them to improve upon.
Originally posted by gc_kodu
Hi Dec11RD
Please excuse me if i am critical of your views as it is not my intention.
I am trying to view in a different angle.

Here goes my explanation to every point of yours.

1.RapidIGM offers decent salaries because they calculate before hand if the consultant they hire is worth twice the salary. To start with the so called decent salary is the same as that offered by many other desi companies. If the consultant turns out to be more productive(it means getting an increase in billing rate within
a short span of joining rapidm) the decent salary becomes more decent as it turned out in my case.

2. I fully agree with an only exception that recruiters themselves do it. In my case my recruiter himself took the pain to add more to the recent project and convinced me that the client would take me if i show more experience in UsA. He repeatedly emphasised this point-"Be extremely confident with the clientduring the interview" Tell the client that "I really like the product you are working on... and would like to get on board with your project mates". I did not disagree with my recruiter that time when he spoke this over phone but felt too shy to make such false statements during that interview. I decided to be on my own. The client interview went fine and the interviewers were very practical in their statement. The only people in rapidigm who are exception to this concept
of doctoring the resume are white people who are in the marketing job. They are precise in their statements and listen more before they speak. I felt at home with my recruiter as he
talked to me like an elder brother. I later realised his true colours as none of his words translated into action.

3. They already have too much cushion in their margin. Rapidigm advertises itself as a fully owned american company and hence they get more direct clients and hence high billing rates.
From early 90's to late 90's most of the company stock was overstated as a result the salary expense and consulting company billng was too miniscule to be bothered and as a result rapidigm
got lion share of billing rates. They adopted a good strategy to bring good consultants by hiring desi recruiters who can speak desi language to woo desi consultants. Their strategy
paid well. None of the desis do marketing in rapidigm to the best of my knowledge.

4. They have to, because the recruiters commission will go off. RapidM is not a non-profit organisation. They are out to make money. The reality is- Since they are brokers they always
make money no matter the profit or loss made by the client company. If the client company makes loss, then they reduce the billing rate which if acceptable to rapidigm would continue,
else rapidigm would find another company for this consultant. There is always a business strategy.

5.Their decent reputation comes because of their consultants who are their assets.

6.I have no comments as this is subject to interpretaton and does not concern rapidigm

7.I know people who hit bench in 1999 and were paid for 2 months of bench salary before getting a project. The reason rapidigm paid is because they already have the buffer for every person. Your friend might have worked hard for a longer time with rapidigm and hence a higher buffer. (I FEEL sai NEED NOT WORRY)
If rapidigm went firing all bench consultants their image would tarnish like anything. So i feel that this was a safe bet. Just a thought-why don't your friend pay rapidigm $38/hour from his pocket to enjoy a salary of 95K and still make margin for the whole year instead of staying without pay.
He can also show INS a legal status. $25K pa is a great pay without working.

Dec11RD- I do not mean to offend you in any manner. please take it easy. I am sorry that i am not able to get convinced by rapidigm's sign of benevolence as I was grossly illtreated by rapidigm and hence venting out.
It's great to hear that rapidigm has been good to atleast some people. God bless you!!!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Every body do the business to make money.... (A consultant could be a dirty Amway guy to make money)
As i said that is the way the business runs....
Any thing which makes money is business.....
If you are dare enough, why don't you get some very good consultants and start your own.... (For god sake don’t do that mistake.... It is not consultant oriented...) with out marketing guy.

“Consultants brings business” it's a reason like "god will help” with out putting any efforts....
First marketing guy goes to the client or middle layer and build the relation.... If you say loose word .... just one word like JLT007 or miss expressions or misunderstanding (body language) ...etc. Lose the relation when you establish the contacts first time... When he succeed....

Then consultant comes in to picture.... Now consultant continue the good relation with the client.... If he doesn’t work very well then the marketing guy will replace the consultant... That’s all going to happen or happening....

When you eat with your right hand fingers....

If any body ask you how do you ate.... Your answer would be "I ate with right hand... " (Not right hand fingers though).

You can't teach what others to do... Just do what you need to do...

When you join some company, they say so many thing.... That doesn't mean you have to believe every thing.... You do your own research, You know what you need, others can't teach you... If any body volunteer then you might not care (Poring water on closed vessel...)

Don’t be a fool by experiencing, Be a wise man... by learning the things from others...

I knew what you might thinking about me.... I am not a marketing guy, I am not a recruiter as well.... I am not working with rapidigm currently... I am not defending my self either, I am hard core consultant...

Originally posted by gc_kodu
Hi Dec11RD
Please excuse me if i am critical of your views as it is not my intention.
I am trying to view in a different angle.

Here goes my explanation to every point of yours.

1.RapidIGM offers decent salaries because they calculate before hand if the consultant they hire is worth twice the salary. To start with the so called decent salary is the same as that offered by many other desi companies. If the consultant turns out to be more productive(it means getting an increase in billing rate within
a short span of joining rapidm) the decent salary becomes more decent as it turned out in my case.

2. I fully agree with an only exception that recruiters themselves do it. In my case my recruiter himself took the pain to add more to the recent project and convinced me that the client would take me if i show more experience in UsA. He repeatedly emphasised this point-"Be extremely confident with the clientduring the interview" Tell the client that "I really like the product you are working on... and would like to get on board with your project mates". I did not disagree with my recruiter that time when he spoke this over phone but felt too shy to make such false statements during that interview. I decided to be on my own. The client interview went fine and the interviewers were very practical in their statement. The only people in rapidigm who are exception to this concept
of doctoring the resume are white people who are in the marketing job. They are precise in their statements and listen more before they speak. I felt at home with my recruiter as he
talked to me like an elder brother. I later realised his true colours as none of his words translated into action.

3. They already have too much cushion in their margin. Rapidigm advertises itself as a fully owned american company and hence they get more direct clients and hence high billing rates.
From early 90's to late 90's most of the company stock was overstated as a result the salary expense and consulting company billng was too miniscule to be bothered and as a result rapidigm
got lion share of billing rates. They adopted a good strategy to bring good consultants by hiring desi recruiters who can speak desi language to woo desi consultants. Their strategy
paid well. None of the desis do marketing in rapidigm to the best of my knowledge.

4. They have to, because the recruiters commission will go off. RapidM is not a non-profit organisation. They are out to make money. The reality is- Since they are brokers they always
make money no matter the profit or loss made by the client company. If the client company makes loss, then they reduce the billing rate which if acceptable to rapidigm would continue,
else rapidigm would find another company for this consultant. There is always a business strategy.

5.Their decent reputation comes because of their consultants who are their assets.

6.I have no comments as this is subject to interpretaton and does not concern rapidigm

7.I know people who hit bench in 1999 and were paid for 2 months of bench salary before getting a project. The reason rapidigm paid is because they already have the buffer for every person. Your friend might have worked hard for a longer time with rapidigm and hence a higher buffer. (I FEEL sai NEED NOT WORRY)
If rapidigm went firing all bench consultants their image would tarnish like anything. So i feel that this was a safe bet. Just a thought-why don't your friend pay rapidigm $38/hour from his pocket to enjoy a salary of 95K and still make margin for the whole year instead of staying without pay.
He can also show INS a legal status. $25K pa is a great pay without working.

Dec11RD- I do not mean to offend you in any manner. please take it easy. I am sorry that i am not able to get convinced by rapidigm's sign of benevolence as I was grossly illtreated by rapidigm and hence venting out.
It's great to hear that rapidigm has been good to atleast some people. God bless you!!!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Every body do the business to make money.... (A consultant could be a dirty Amway guy to make money)
As i said that is the way the business runs....
Any thing which makes money is business.....
If you are dare enough, why don't you get some very good consultants and start your own.... (For god sake don’t do that mistake.... It is not consultant oriented...) with out marketing guy.

“Consultants brings business” it's a reason like "god will help” with out putting any efforts....
First marketing guy goes to the client or middle layer and build the relation.... If you say loose word .... just one word like JLT007 or miss expressions or misunderstanding (body language) ...etc. Lose the relation when you establish the contacts first time... When he succeed....

Then consultant comes in to picture.... Now consultant continue the good relation with the client.... If he doesn’t work very well then the marketing guy will replace the consultant... That’s all going to happen or happening....

When you eat with your right hand fingers....

If any body ask you how do you ate.... Your answer would be "I ate with right hand... " (Not right hand fingers though).

You can't teach what others to do... Just do what you need to do...

When you join some company, they say so many thing.... That doesn't mean you have to believe every thing.... You do your own research, You know what you need, others can't teach you... If any body volunteer then you might not care (Poring water on closed vessel...)

Don’t be a fool by experiencing, Be a wise man... by learning the things from others...

If rapidigm went firing all bench consultants their image would tarnish like anything. So i feel that this was a safe bet. Just a thought-why don't your friend pay rapidigm $38/hour from his pocket to enjoy a salary of 95K and still make margin for the whole year instead of staying without pay.
He can also show INS a legal status. $25K pa is a great pay without working.

By this, I can understand where and what you are... You are not in sync... So i am stopping here.... Still i want to remind you some minute things like fucking time sheet, phones, Vendor customer agreements, Risk management, work insurances, .... etc.

Doing wrong things for big output or small out puts, finally considered as a mistakes. But it is depending on chosen one. you are 2nd category...

I knew what you might thinking about me.... I am not a marketing guy, I am not a recruiter as well.... I am not working with rapidigm currently... I am not defending my self either, I am hard core consultant...

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Hey Dec11thRD

You seems to be quite sensible guy!! You said absolutely correct in your reply itself ..

When you join some company, they say so many thing.... That doesn't mean you have to believe every thing.... You do your own research, You know what you need, others can't teach you... If any body volunteer then you might not care (Poring water on closed vessel...)

This is again my comment. Let people judge themselves.. No need to praise or bash (this was my first reply if you could see that please) something out of way.. ...

:D :D :D :D :D