I got job, But I need to take action on Rapidigm.Please give me some sugestion


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I need to take some action over rapidIGM, Please let me know some things to take action over Rapidigm other than INS and Labor dept.
I have valid docs to prove that rapidIGM did lies to INS and Labor Dept.

That to I got job within one week from some other resources. I suppose to join coming monday.

I have 10 Years of OOP Back groud.
Is Rapid... really a dumb company

I haven't worked for this company but based on posting on websites and what I have heard/read, this is really an aweful company... How has it manged to keep afloat for so long.

Consider this before you take any action:-
There is no staute of limitations on fraud.. If you have got your GC through that co, and it was based on a falsehood, you are a party to it as you would have signed the necessary documents!
GC got through fraud (family or emp.based) can be revoked.
Don't cut your nose to spite your face.
Move on with your life. Best of luck
Hi, I was surprised to see such messages about Rapidigm...To be very frank, they have a very good immigration department which helps you file any INS related stuff with ease...They have a set of very good para legals to clarify and help you with your INS related Issues...They have a cool Immigration web site where you have to go and file all your applications...I had a wonderful experience.... :)
Well said Bumas.
Hi RapidIGM Bashers., I am really surprised to see sooo many bashings about Rapidigm in this forum. Personally i had a very good experience with Rapidigm. I got my GC thru Rapidigm and had a very nice,smooth process. The paralegals are very helpful. They scrutinise every case very carefully and file the case.

I dont know what problem you are facing in Rapidigm. If its for Greencard processing, definitely you are extremely unlucky guy. Coz i have seen 5 to 10 friends of mine got thru their PR process with out any problem.

If you are having problem with consulting issues, thats common in this
Me too a Rapidimer ..

I have no problem with Rapidigm. I've been with them last three years and have no problems. The immigration dept is excellent.
They are very good...

I was a rapidigm employee... They are very good... I think his recruiter might be taken some action on him.

Be nice to the people all the time. They will be nice to you.

Just look back what you have done... then learn from that.

If you take action on company, many like you will get burn...

so, take it easy....

Hay Bumas and hhs... Did you or your friends ever got RFE when you file through rapidigm....????

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Actually Speaking i have not heard of anybody who got RFE, filling with the help of Rapidigm Immigration Department...Most of my friends got approval without an RFE...Let us hope the same for us too...

Wantedhelp, You really want help and just dont post these type of messages if you had a bad experience based on your behaviour or the way you have been treated...

I have been with Rapidigm for 4 years now and i DO NOT have any problem with them...They pay you well, they have a very good medical insurance compared to other consulting firms in US, they take care of all the moving expenses and they dont freak out when you send some reasonable expense report...

Most of my non rapidigm friends want to join rapidigm because of these benefits and it is a wonderful company to get your GC...I have seen other friends suffering from their lawyer and how painful the process will be if it is not for Rapidigm...:)
I have had no problem with rapidigm either, its a great company. Infact i was suprised to see so much boo boo for this wonderful company. This is by and large a much better company as compared to many other consulting companies in US. Its just a matter of chance that someone had a bad experience with Rapidigm. ;)
I guess there is no need to support or bash the repidigm. They generally behave very nicely till you have a project in your hand and you are making money for them. They might behave very badly if you are out of project with an area which is not attractive to them (in terms of making money).

The basic fact is that money you earned for them in the past does not matter. It is how much you are making for them or are capable of making for them in future.

So guys both sides are right!! It only depends which side you belong!!

Take it cool!!:cool:
Don't loose heart over RapidIGM behaviour. They are just another Bodyshopping unit under the guise of a company. I was a victim of rapidigm for just over 18 months, helped them make money on my head, quit after getting a better job. Rapidim recruiters are outrageous liars who can even promise a ride to the moon if you join them. Just because they process GC does not make them great. Every bodyshopper processes GC for their consultants just to tie a consultant to their company and not on goodwill basis. I knew many guys who got GC thro rapidm but no one to my knowledge gave a great feedback about rapidm as i have seen on this forum. Rapidigm recruiters would care a least for you when you are on board but fall on your feet when you put down your papers. They offered me a 20% more salary when i quit because i am a potential money-getter. I now work for a much better american company.
The only positive point of rapidM is the insurance which is really excellent.
I think you are having a nightmare.
So don't waste time over rapidM. Look forward to better fortunes.
:( :) :D ;) :p
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Hi Rapidigm bashers... I would like to know, if you guys had a better experience with your previous employers! and also is there a better company to help you with the immigration stuff(which is the backbone in this country) and money wise, check out! how many of your friends or maybe you! making a lot more than the industry standards. I personally know a lot of people who work or worked for Rapidigm making a ton of money but still crying, and I also know what their capacity is! This crying never ends. Iam fully with those geniune guys.. easy guys...
Just a thought!

Even though I do not know the person's issues with Rapidigm or about the company itself, just my thoughts.

In most cases, people have grouses against their company because of the realization that they are paid lesser (for a similar position) when compared to others or you find (based on your perception/judgement or in reality) someone who is lesser qualified making more than you. Welcome to the American system. In India, mostly base salary is computed based on your title and pretty much there is no big diff at a given level. In US, it all depends how well you can sell yourself and negotiate. Later if you feel shortchanged, you have to renegotiate (and sometimes this may still not work).

As for being laid-off once project is over, that is the current standard across US now given the economy/job market. Irrespective of American or Indian companies, it is the same everywhere. Check www.vault.com to see the bitter ramblings in the Big 5 and the largest consulting company boards (Accenture, KPMG, PWC, IBM BCS, EDS, Ernst & Young, CSC, KPMG, Deloitte, etc.).

Some companies do exploit and abuse GC filings and this is not limited to Desi companies but this may be less rampant in the US companies (at least you would get pay raises). Also, most companies may not have an immigration dept and do not know the nuances of GC/H1, etc. and just give the handling to external legal companies. These external legal companies might handle a lot of companies H1/GC and may not show you any special treatment (just another case). On top of all this, INS has its own ways where you, your company and your lawyer have no say or control.

After a while with a company, say 2-3 years, if the work becomes monotonous and non-challenging, people tend to blame the company. In this situation, it is both the individual and the company that are responsible.

But, if you still feel that one has been discriminated/abused, you should explore the options of suing (irrespective of what others might say), so that the employer will not repeat it in the future.

Footnote: Based on my experience at the Big 5 consulting firms, for a given title/level, salaries would be in a range of more than 50K+ (say 70K-150K for sr. consultant) based on technology skills/demand/region, etc. So, someone with the same title might be making 75K on the lower end and someone else, 140K on the upper end.
Hi Kalki007

Looks like you took it personally!! In case you see this thread, you will find out of 14 posts only two are actually bashing Rapidigm. That proves the company is 'THE GREAT COMPANY'.

The people who got hurt may not have had the similar experience they had with this company. Otherwise this company would have been one of the many companies they worked with in the past.

I personally didn't have any 'REAL' issue with RAPIDIGM. After all there are desi people working for this......

:D :D :D :D :D
I am not sure what to do....

I am with Rapidigm for over 4 years now and am out of a project from yesterday after a vacation to India. Already I am getting a gut feeling that I may not be with them for long now, a week more or so.

I got an RFE last month which got responded yesterday by Rapidigm Immigration Dept. By God's grace, one of the companies I worked as a consultant is ready to hire me full time. My RD is Oct-11-2001.

Will I face any problems if I join the old company and change my address back to another state ?

Please state your thoughts here.

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I agree with jlt007

i agree with jlt007. how can we expect more than that from any employer. The only bond between employer and employee is money...
Hi Sai,

Here it comes!!

'THE GREAT COMPANY' should be able to keep you till you get the green card approval. After all you earned for them for four long years.

All the best my friend!!

:D :D :D :D :D
Hi Sai,

I was thinking that one of those who praised Rapidigm a lot would answer this.

The excellent point with you is that you have what is needed at this point. You may ask your recruiter to send the termination letter as early as possible (Any way as you said they will send it after some time) and join the other company.

These are my views. Please take advise from elsewhere or make your own judgement.

take care and with best wishes!!

jlt007 (just like that 007)