i got conned - how do i report my spouse for removal?

pamela h

New Member
now he has ruined my credit, gotten into all sorts of legal trouble, is posing me problems w/my taxes etc... I would like to know how to have him deported and also, I am too broke due to hiom to file for divorce -will this make a difference? he apparantly also lied to me about his status here and has been lving here illegally for YEARS!!! HELP I am also somewhat afraid of him. I have a few police reports on him due to him stalking me (which has cost me a few jobs) and I want to do this anonymously - -any help/answers? P.S HE HAS NOT GOTTEN HIS GREEN CARD ET AND DOES NOT FEEL AS THOUGH HE NEEDS TO APPLY (BECAUSE I SHOULD FIGHT SOME EXPENSIVE LEGAL BATTLE ON HIS BEHALF BECAUSE HE IS TO LAZY TO DEAL WITH THIS)
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What is your status, are you a citizen?

It seems that he could be deported, if you can prove your statements.