I got 2 A#s, What can I do now? Looking for advice


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I did not know about existance of dup A# issue till yesterday.
From couple of threads that were started yesterday, I researched this
issue a bit.
Went through my old INS documents, and sure enough looks like I have 2 A #.

This must be because of concurrent 485 and Consular processing of my
green card. (I abandoned 485 processing as green card was obtained using CP). Never had F1/opt etc.

I have already filed my N400 app in January, 06 and I have FP appointment
in March

So what can I do now ? I am looking for advice from experts and people who are in the same boat.

(I am leaning towards option # 3)

1. Append my existing application with additional A# ?
Is it a good idea as it may confuse INS as having 2 A# is anamoly by itself ?
And none of the forms etc. provide ability to write multiple A# 's
Also chances of making this info to my N-400 app files are fairly slim ?

2. Info pass appointment ? Anyone tried this ??
Again same logic as #1 option applies. The results depend on willingness of
INS officer to understand and process the information correctly.
I could also call 800 number, but we all know how reluctant those guys are
to handle even the most basic routine tasks. Forget about something like this.

3. Do nothing:
This means I will not get the decision at interview time. But atleast I will have
name of the INS officer whom I can contact for follow-up.
Interviewing officer will be able to process the information better since that
person must have had time to process one A# file and act of requesting
second A# file.
(Also if I am extremely lucky and interviewing officer has already requested
and received 2nd file, this may not become an issue though the chances are
close to zero)

As I said, I am leaning towards option # 3.
Any ideas, suggestions from experts.
Thanks in advance.
There may be one other option:

Do nothing for now and wait till your Interview Letter arrives. Then about 4-5 weeks before the interview date send a letter explaining the second A# to the attention of an 'Immigration Officer' to the District Office with a copy to the Service Center.

Maybe they will realize that they need to get the second A file and do it prior to your interview.

Of course, on the flip side the interview may get postponed by them.
I would think of adding a note with the N400 about this dual A# from OPT EAD or I485 concurrent processing if you are going to file N400 in future. Not sure about ppl who already filed though.
And how efficient would they care this note and act accordingly is a wild guess. So seemingly like name check, dual A# is also a surprise trap.