I feel that we should refrain from calling VSC too often since it will


Registered Users (C)
inevitably divert their limited resources and slow down their processing. What is IIO, anybody? Thanks.
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IIO (Immigration Information Officer)
basically answers phone and helps if they can.
You know like customer service representative.

They are not the one working on your case.
Their job is to answer the phone and provide
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The job of an IIO is to anwer phones and if you are denying him/her of that then pretty soon there would be no IIO\'s.....IIO\'s are not part of resources to adjucate 485 cases, their job is to answer phone calls and help the caller with information.
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Cneb, I don\'t like this crap at all.
As if you are the first person find out what needs to be done to improve things.
Even if no one calls it is going to be the same.
Last time when they increased the processing fee, they said they are going to add up more staff. What happend to that?
You are an Idiot. Get out of the board.
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Thanks all for explaining IIO. Arjuna: keep it easy. I have not been on the board for long and just expressing my feeling. I certainly enjoy the postings from people who talked to the IIOs and I did not complain. Judging from your past posts, you are not an Idiot and a crap, but please do not act like one.
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After increasing the process fee, INS added more staffs to border patrol
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you seem stupid. i still recall in old board
when people used to say do\'nt call, and they
are still waiting. You are in America not in