I dont think there is any point in checking status online


Registered Users (C)
Good Morning to all,

Recently we have learned that BCIS approves the application and doesn’t update the site or the AVM. Example- case of harapatta.

I got the approval of my H-1 extension about a week ago and just for the heck of it, I thought of checking the status online.. guess what, same old stupid message, “Your I-129 application was received on….”

Before this I used to check my mail box twice in a week and now I doing it everyday and now even my postman knows what I am waiting for..

Oh brother, I didn’t even wait this long for my first love letter…( Apology for bad analogy)

Have a good day..

Harapatta: Did your online status change?? (In case you are still reading the posts on this site..)

I tried checking my online status last night and the stupid thing still shows the old 'RFE Received' message. My case was approved on June 9th, so it has been 11 days that **online status database** was last refreshed.

knshah, you are right: online status check, atleast for now, is meaningless.


After you stamped your passport, could you call BCIS service and see what they say about your application. I just wanted to know who knowledgable they are about your case.
Just for nothing, I called them last week to see what they know about my case and they told me it was transferred to my local office as you may aware, it's not true (I am the unlucky National Records Center transfer case applicant).:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
web info sucks!

I have even got my plastic card and the web site still says finger prints received...blah...!
No point trusting the site. This forum or RUPNET is best bet to check on trends.

I have not called BCIS after my passport stamping but I have tried calling the automated phone info system and the status there still reflects the old message: RFE Received.

Our cases also transferred to National Records Center

I contacted the BCIS and they were clueless on both occasions. My lawyer eventually contacted them and according to them it is now being transferred BACK to NSC. I think they eventually figured out that the National Records Center doesn't actually do anything except store stuff.

It is interesting that they said in my notice that they did it to "speed up processing". Therefore, one of the following is true:
1. They made a mistake (again)
2. They are liars.
3. Nobody knows what they are doing, including them.
4. Any other ideas?

As i mentioned in my earlier thread, the actual reason of this transfer to have a seciurity review done on the randomly picked application. This is what stated in the formal response my senator provided to me. Also National record center does review the applications.
AHA - Thanks Whatshappening

It appears that the BCIS would come across a lot more intelligent if they just COMMUNICATED better. It looks like we were also singled out for a security check.

Thanks again.