I am worried.

Re: SillyMan, haven't we been down this road before?

Originally posted by peter23
I'm thinking of LC66's post from a couple of days ago. SillyMan, you weren't worried then in fact you were pretty blase about the whole GC process: "f*ck I'm nearing 2 years anyway .. who cares." More to the point you called LC66's views "negative." So why are you posting similar ideas now? What's changed in the past 24 hours that has made you reconsider your earlier position? If you can't add anything new to the board (or even keep your own ideas straight), maybe you shouldn't add anything at all?

Peter, sure we've been down this road before. I am referring to your being pissed off at my attitude. About adding anything new to the board (or not adding),

Here is what I added. A thought process, I'm out of ideas, on how to get INS started, get some minds on here, because we NEED TO GET THEM STARTED, and as you can see, we did get some ideas off here, I've been reading all of these, as I am sure everyone else is, and this mind-morph might actually result in something worthwhile.

Secondly, LC66's post. Read thru my comments over there again. LC66 says a lot of stuff about USA being not worth the pain, whereas my views were more on the lines of USA shouldn't be worth the pain, but if it is, it sure is.

About whats changed in the past 24 (it's more like 72) hours, .... it's been another 72 hours of zero activity on scanners. That worries me. Did we hit another no-explanation freeze? Or is it that explanations are given, because there is freeze .. not that freezes are done due to explanations/valid reasons.

And when I said "f*ck I'm nearing 2 years anyway .. who cares.", what I meant was, LC66 worrying about 485 process taking that long .. I meant .. hey mine has taken close to that, with still no hope in sight, and my case was filed way before you ... so 2 years .. is OPTIMISTIC for you !~!! :) YA GET IT??

Now don't fight.
SillyMan, If any of the ideas in this thread actually amount to anything (that is, get the process moving faster again), I'll eat my GC once it arrives and start the process over again.

Instead of blaming Diane Feinstein or the economy, why don't you look for a more rational explanation of why applications are taking so long? For what it's worth I think the culprit is the premium processing program. In a nutshell here's my argument and unlike some of the theories batted about around here I have some facts to support it:

1. In a recently released report, the Office of Inspector General stated that the premium processing program "has had an adverse affect on the time required to adjudicate routine applications and petitions." (quoted from FDBL.com) (Read the full report: http://shusterman.com/cgi-bin/ex-link.pl?www.usdoj.gov/oig/iginsar1.htm)

2. CSC responds to the backlog of regular applications by assigning more officers from Division I to adjudicate pending I-129s: "Reallocation of Resources to Assist Division II: Division 1 has allocated additional resources to the adjudication of I-129 H-1B’s both on overtime and regular time. I-140’s are being adjudicated at a slower rate; however processing times have not suffered significantly." (Details: http://www.immigration.com/newsletter1/cscupd020503.html)

3. Therefore fewer officers are adjudicating I-485s and we are seeing fewer approvals than we have in the past.

Makes sense to me. It certainly makes more sense that what you posted earlier today.
Sounds like a valid explanation to me too. CSC ways are mysterious ones and they do stimulate abstract thinking. They also help understand such hard-to-grasp notions as infinity and eternity.
peter23 Don't you just love to get personal?

I fail to understand what you get out of picking a fight every time you post a message? I have been reading both LC66 and SillyMan's current thread, and don't see anything that calls for a vicious personal attack.

As far as your reasoning on the slow processing of 485's is concerned, hey we already know that. And it is not just premium processing but also TPS, etc. We have already spent a couple of threads on this issues that processing resources are being allocated elsewhere and hence the delay.

With regards to this bouncing ideas around to try and speed up processing, you might just end up eating your GC and starting over. Don't know if you are aware but some time earlier in the bay area, a bunch of people got together after 2 years wait in the GC queue and started actively pinging the senators and AILA. The collected money and started a lobby. Offcourse they were helped in part by the economy booming, but the fact still remains they actually moved INS.

I don't agree that we have no voice or no say. If we put enough pressure, I am sure things will move. It is just a case of how much, at whom and when.

Coming back to the personal attacks, chill dude, we have already been through this before. There is nothing wrong in you posting contrary opinion, I am sure we can all learn something new. But don't go running someone down unnecessarily! It sucks!

Personal attacks are a no-no, we are all in the same boat, don't see how fighting amongst ourselves is going to help the situation? So Chill Dude!
Personal attacks? What are you talking about? If I wanted to get personal I'd post discriminatory or defamatory remarks about your wieght or the size of your feet and not about your ideas. It's as simple as that. I also think it's wrong to suggest that because I happen to disagree with what you said that I'm attacking you. If you can't stand to have your ideas challenged, don't post them.

As for hating you, SillyMan, not to worry, I don't. I just think that some of your posts don't have any basis in fact.
I've been reading all the comments on this thread...I don't think Peter23's remarks were personal and I don't think there's any reason to think that someone hates someone because he has a different opinion.

do people working in INS read thiese kinds of forum? If atleast they read they may understand our torture.
looks like they make us look so stupid. we keep on talking abt these things but no one seems to really care abt these. atleast i''m glad we have a forum like this where we share and console each other.
cennai, do people from INS read this? yes they do .. because someone here posted his IIO conversation once .. I heard you've been giving out approvals .. and the IIO said .. "Oh you've been reading immigrationportal.com".

Do they care for our torture? I think not.