I am so addicted to this website that I would lose my job...


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When the boss is around, I simply "Ctrl+Tab" to switch to another website, where I could read journals for my research. If she is out of my view, I come back to you guys. This is all what I have done for almost 3 months. I know clearly I should work (have already enough progress!), at least for my experience, but I cannot stopping switching to this website...

 As many of you guys know, a boss is sensitive. The conflict between the our interests with the bosses can seldom make a good compromise. So, one day, that lady hid somewhere and I was under arrest.... Now you guys know what happened next.

  Well, she did not say she would fire me, yet she said she would tell the VP if I would not make new progress in my research.

 I am trying to make myself down. That lady is out for lunch right now and I am with you guys again for ideas which I could use to deal with this lady...
Solution to a problem

My two cents:
The best solution is to start working ASAP. Produce some impressive results fast and present them to your boss and copy her supervisor.
I am not a tech person and sometimes I wonder how you guys manage to stay on this site all the time. Must be nice to be a programmer I guess, you get a lot of money for doing nothing... I envy you guys.
Too bad I am too old to switch industries, I would have probably done it if I could...
I am hooked up to this site as well but at least my immediate supervisor has just resigned, so I don\'t have anyone controlling me for the moment.
The same for me: RD 09/04 and ND 11/06 but we were put into November bucket. EAC 02......

I asked you many time what the AVM was saying after they received your application.
AVM was saying in my case "... was received on 11/06...." and this is very bad news.
I do not want to put you down, but maybe there is a solution?
You are lucky guy, Ric, enjoy your situation.

I have to show results constantly in order to keep my position. Sometimes it happens that my bosses do not knwo what to give me next then I get a break, but I still have to pretend that I am working hard...Besides my RD date is December 5th, so I\'ve got to wait longer than you. Did you do your FP already? I got FP notice for my husband last week, but I did not receive mine yet and AVM says that they were mailed on the same date. I am a little concerned. What do you think, should I call IIO? It\'s really annoying to try to get through to VCS, besides I don\'t want to irritate them too much.

I go through the same mental struggle often. I tell myself that since my ND is in Dec \'01, I needn\'t be checking the postings on this site as frequently as I do. Alas! If wishes were horses...
Anyway, Tinies, you better get your act together or all this anxiety will be over nothing. That may sound harsh, but, dude(tte), that\'s the truth. We don\'t want to jeopardize our jobs for the sake of impatience or just plain curiosity.
And, Mourassia, programming isn\'t always fun. It certainly isn\'t always easy money. I feel like I am learning nothing as I spend more time in the field. When I visit my resume to update my skills periodically, I find that there hasn\'t been a remarkable accomplishment since my college days!! I hope to be able to find greener pastures soon -- by the grace of VSC, of course! ;)
Tinies - I am also addicted. I heard from many others that they are also..

very much addicted to this site. Some even come back after they get GC!!
Here is how I resolved my addiction

Hey gyus,

I was a bit suprised to see that there are other poor souls like me who can not pass few hours without checking the latest postings on this very helpful site. I remember on numerous occasions I was mad at myself for passing hours and even whole day without getting anything useful done at work because I was constantly switching and rotating between immigration-related web sites.
But I think I got an upper hand in this struggle, it still works for me, and I\'ll tell you how I did it (no, I didn\'t get my green card, yet).
I vowed to check this site only once per week. No exceptions ! One time only, for an hour or two, I allow myself to read all postings and then close the browser and be done with it. I log on every Friday evening, after work, and every week there is a steady progress in the processing at Vermont -- February RD, March RD, ..., and August RD is just around the corner (my RD is 08/08/01). I was surpised at the results myself, but it worked -- after the first week or two I no longer feel any urge during the week. Also, I don\'t check any immigration-related site but on Friday evening.

I feel I owe to this great site, and its creators and maintainers, to say that they are doing a great job and really make our lifes much easier by providing the opportunity to share information and advices. I am not advocating that you or anyone else should not use the site during the week.

Take care.
man this is crazy ! i flip around all the immigration sites whole day

i flip around all the immigration sites whole day ! But on the other hand i finish my job well ahead , but i dont deliver it ASAP i deliver it when the time comes mean while i keep checking these postings every day MY RD is 07/12 still waiting , imagine one day i deleted this link from my IE favourites but restored it back from recycle bin ..!