I am losing my brains

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Registered Users (C)
Day and night I am thinking about this stupid GC.

I can't eat much;

I can't sleep well;

I weigh only 97 pounds while I am 182 cm tall and I used to be 178 pounds;

I am losing my friends since I have absolutely no mode to contact them or to be contacted;

I can't concentrate on my work and hence a misunderstanding comes to the boss;

While I drive, I often think the red light is green whereas the green is red;

I am just 28 yrs old but the colleauges say I am no younger than 45;

I used to be very good at speaking but one day when I was positioned at stage I forgot about what I wanted to say.

I believe I am losing my brains. What I am only sure of is I am an oct-2001 filer....Really need your hands to get out, guys.

GC may be a hope to some of us but it is not everything. Take it easy, yours will soon come. What use will GC be if you end up cuckoo in the end? Can't enjoy the fruit of your labor!

I suggest you to divert your time in improving skill set or some other thing to improve your future.. that gives more satisfaction than thinking GC...

My case denied and we filed appealed (see my all posts to get more details).. I became mad by thinking GC 24 hours.. Then I realized I should divert so I am concentrating on some certifications to improve my skills.. In case if I lose job the skills will help me for finding another one..

This is my suggestion .. you can ignore if you don't like it
This brings to a fundamental question. What are the advantages of having a GC?

1) When you buy a house or apply for a loan, you get .25% less interest.
2) You can travel freely out of the country. Again with an AP, you can do the same.
3) You can collect unemployment insurance and need not worry a lot about any RFE's that might get generated. But some people tried UI on the EAD also
4) You can flip burgers at Wendy's.
5) You can get some peace of mind. But what is the guarantee that a person who worries a lot doesn't worry about the next phase lets say the citizenship.

Am I missing something?
Originally posted by Tines
Day and night I am thinking about this stupid GC.

I can't eat much;

I can't sleep well;

I weigh only 97 pounds while I am 182 cm tall and I used to be 178 pounds;

I am losing my friends since I have absolutely no mode to contact them or to be contacted;

I can't concentrate on my work and hence a misunderstanding comes to the boss;

While I drive, I often think the red light is green whereas the green is red;

I am just 28 yrs old but the colleauges say I am no younger than 45;

I used to be very good at speaking but one day when I was positioned at stage I forgot about what I wanted to say.

I believe I am losing my brains. What I am only sure of is I am an oct-2001 filer....Really need your hands to get out, guys.

Tines - please listen carefully : if what you have written is true, then you are suffering from depression. I have seen close family members go thru this so I know. Please do not ignore the symptoms and talk to a doctor as soon as you can. You are dangerously underweight for someone who is 6 feet tall. You will end up seriously ruining your health.

Again, if what you have posted is true, please talk to a doctor ASAP.
I agree with Waytoolong you may suffer from anxiety.
Try doing Yoga or meditation that will help

Keep in mind it always looks green from other side.
Originally posted by Tines
Day and night I am thinking about this stupid GC.

I can't eat much;

I can't sleep well;

I weigh only 97 pounds while I am 182 cm tall and I used to be 178 pounds;

I am losing my friends since I have absolutely no mode to contact them or to be contacted;

I can't concentrate on my work and hence a misunderstanding comes to the boss;

While I drive, I often think the red light is green whereas the green is red;

I am just 28 yrs old but the colleauges say I am no younger than 45;

I used to be very good at speaking but one day when I was positioned at stage I forgot about what I wanted to say.

I believe I am losing my brains. What I am only sure of is I am an oct-2001 filer....Really need your hands to get out, guys.


You are not alone. A lot of people are under a lot of stress. Try put some humor in your life. Here is what happened to me today (was she kidding?)

I went to my local Wendy's for lunch. A black, or African American jumped to get my order. I said a "number one with cheese". She says "Oversize"?, I say "No" and then she says "SENIOR CITIZEN?" and I said "if it buys me a GC, then it is fine". I am only forty-six years young!
I am worse than tines

I miss exits, dont know what day it is, spend hrs on this forum and other immi related sites, dont talk much with my family and everything gets worse the day i visit CP forum ( my 140 was for CP initially).
Man..I am losing on my kid's growth too not being able to enjoy its activities.
Thats just the way this AOS thing has made me.:(
I think your turn is coming

like the guys well said, you need to divert it. I know it is harder to do than to say, but you don't seem to have other choices.

11 months ago when I started to see the other guys around me with the same receipt dates as mine got approved, i nearly got mad and completely lost all my hair. So one day when I walking along the sidewalk with no cap on my head, a 3 year-old girl pointed me and asked her mom:

"what kind of cap he is wearing, mom?"

Since I had just countable hairs left... I realized that something needed to be done. I was too addicted.

Cheer up. The card will be coming at the right time you get away from thinking about it.
It's all in the Mind...! Dont Let GC take control of ur life..!!

"Diamond" is yet another piece of 'Coal' that did well under pressure...Can't this GC pressure be handled ? :)
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Originally posted by frantic
This brings to a fundamental question. What are the advantages of having a GC?

1) When you buy a house or apply for a loan, you get .25% less interest.
2) You can travel freely out of the country. Again with an AP, you can do the same.
3) You can collect unemployment insurance and need not worry a lot about any RFE's that might get generated. But some people tried UI on the EAD also
4) You can flip burgers at Wendy's.
5) You can get some peace of mind. But what is the guarantee that a person who worries a lot doesn't worry about the next phase lets say the citizenship.

Am I missing something?

I think the above can be summarized as two points :
1) freedom from slavery
2) peace of mind (as much as the patriot act will allow immigrants)

basically the GC allows us to move on with our lives.

If the emotional issues associated with the GC process is this pervasive, it may be a good idea to start a online support group, what do you folks say ?
Try to calm yourself down by thinking of those who are worse than you


Think of all of those who are so much less fortunate than you.

You should think you one of the lucky ones in this world.

Literally count your blessings, and think of all the people who are in much more difficult situations than you are.

At least you have a job, so many people have cases pending and have lost their jobs for 9 months.

So relax, try to volunteer time in a hospital or something, then you will see what real problems are all about.

Have you ever seen the face of a person who was told he has stage 3 cancer? Well that is a real problem
Go to nearby bookstore such as Barnes&Noble..read about American Politics or Law or Administration. This might help you in your future if you become Citizen and wants to be in public service.

I also think too much about GC.. but what can you do if you don't have control over it ?? Can you make it processed quickly if you think too much about it? If 'yes' think and think.. If not go to real good web sites... gain some knowledge everyday...

I see one or two white hair on my head because of this GC process being delayed.. But now I stopped thinking about it, but I visit the forums regularly and update myself.

Dare to Dream Care to Acheive..

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