i am in trouble


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I was arrested for shoplifting last year may 2001. I paid 50$ fine to court. Yesterday i heared the AVM, it says that my husband's case has been approved, but for me it was the same old message. is this police record will be a problem for me. What kind of problems i may face.

It happeans many times that spouse case gets decided few days/weeks after primary applicant's case. So dont read too much into you not hearing approval. I dont think they reject GC application for minor offences.

One of the guys posted in this forum some time back they asked for letter of Good conduct from authorities ( I guess they asked to get a letter from Police department that they guy stayed trouble free after intial incident) and approved his case. He was also involved in some court case like this.
were u fingerprinted? I am not sure if this kind of case falls under the newly introduced Security check by INS.
This seems more like a petty misdemeanor and may not be an issue from INS standpoint.
yes they did fingerprinting, and took photos. i feel for what i did. i didnt sleep all night yesterday. i am so scared. my husband is changing the employer now. is that makes any problem for my green card.
the charge

It depends on whether it was treated as a misdemeanor or felony. I know someone who did community service for a misdemeanor but was advised by lawyers to file with the document from court dismissing the case. Since then, he has been able to get H-1B revalidation, LC, I-140 etc. with the court doc and a letter explanaing the situation. Your case sounds like a misdemeanor so it should be OK
you should be okay, if your spouse was approved and will be moving to another job, that is also ok....for you, you just have to wait and see...it always takes some time for the primary applicant to get approved.
you can also check with FBI

You can also request the FBI to send you a copy of the report they sent to INS. I couldn't find the direct number but their headquarter is 202-324-3000
I emailed all the details to Rajiv Khanna. I got the response as, "My first guess, you should be fine." That is the only sentence i got as a response.
Rajiv Khanna is a busy guy and won't reply in detail till you pay !!

Rajiv Khanna is a busy guy and won't reply in detail till you pay ;)

I think you would be fine ... just be patient !!
I personally feel this should not be an issue. I have friend in the same shoes as you and is loosing sleep as well. Please do share with us what happens and when you receive the approval notice which I'm certain you will soon.
Did you disclose this incident in your I-485 application?

If the offence is a misdemeanor in your state and if the maximum possible punishment (not necessarily what was imposed on you) is not for more than a year, you should be fine. The important thing is, if you have disclosed this incident in your 485 application. If you disclosed it and attached a copy of the court proceedings including the court order, then you should be fine.

P.S: I am not an attorney and your best bet would be to seek the advise of an immigration attorney.
i mentioned yes for the line " did you ever convicted a misdemenour" and also i wrote the details of what happened in a piece of paper and i attached the paper with 485 papers. is that is okay.
Attorney' opinion

I guess Rajiv or any attorney won't be able to say more.
However, you may try aheckler.com ask the attorney link. He does answer pretty quick.
Re: Re

Originally posted by taurus02
It happeans many times that spouse case gets decided few days/weeks after primary applicant's case. So dont read too much into you not hearing approval. I dont think they reject GC application for minor offences.

One of the guys posted in this forum some time back they asked for letter of Good conduct from authorities ( I guess they asked to get a letter from Police department that they guy stayed trouble free after intial incident) and approved his case. He was also involved in some court case like this.

Hi taurus02,
Can you please read my case under the login "safar", it involves shoplifting too. since in the above reply you talk abt knowing a person who has gone through this, can you please throw some light on my case......

I know it's easy for us to say relax, be patient etc and I understand that you are having a hard time. But NO PANIC - yet. From what I read in your postings:
1. The AVM hasn't changed to something like 'intend to deny'.
2. You have not got any notice regarding the issue.
So everything could be just fine ang it happens that your case hasn't been approved yet -- was your case filed with your spouse's? It might be just a RFE -- the report from the court...

Once again, do relax and be patient -- you'll hear some good news soon -- keep us posted. Good Luck!
I would at a minimum go to the court where this occurred and get an expungement order from the court clerk, basically stating that all charges have been dismissed due to good conduct or whatever. Just sending a personal statement to the INS, I dont think helps. INS will ask for a court record that shows evidence of the action taken by the court for the offense. You may want to contact a criminal attorney who knows Immigration law for advice and assistance with the expungement order. Hope this helps......

Not an attorney.....