i am going to sue vsc!

What visa issue?. If you have multiple entry, What is the problem?

Are you expecting INS to not look at any documents? Simply let people come and go?
your knowledge is too limited.

indian has agreement with USA. So you guys can get multientry visa. but for some other countries, they may only get single entry visa. and each time if you leave from USA, you have to go to consulate to apply a new visa again.

And if you applied LC and 140, you have immigration tendency...

hope you are not silly as me.
your knowledge is too limited.

indian has agreement with USA. So you guys can get multientry visa. but for some other countries, they may only get single entry visa. and each time if you leave from USA, you have to go to consulate to apply a new visa again.

And if you applied LC and 140, you have immigration tendency...

hope you are not silly as me.
here\'s some more info for those guys who \'think\' they know too much...

talking about visa.....recently INS has started rejecting..repeat rejecting H1B \'extensions\'........on flimsy grounds....like the bachelors degree is not in computer science.....do you think this is f****** fair...all that talk about rights and beggars and choosers....this is getting really scary guys....hope and pray everything settles down and returns back to normal.....

take care.....
We are, may be ....

... since we are the ones asking for the GC. Again, begging may also be beneficial to both parties, otherwise as per your own comment, the giver-beggar relationship will not work and begging as a profession would have long gone!
This is not just about money ....

we may have something (money) more than the INS IIOs, but they have what most of us covet for (us citizenship). So, we all have our haves and have - not\'s.

You are right when you said things will change for the better when economy turns around. But that is what make us so powerless now. They decide when they want us and when they do not want us. Let\'s accept that we are under their mercy.
sm123: Have you ever read the constitution of this country?

Anyone who is legally admitted into this country is protected by the Constitution of the United States, which is what makes this country so great. The US takes EB immigrants because these immigrants are needed here to strength the economy and prosper the country. If you think you are a pathetic begger, that\'s fine with me but don\'t bring that moniker to the entire immigration communtity. You don\'t deserve to be part of us!
Recourse to delayed processing

Apart from giving answers like "withdraw you petition", "convert to CP", etc, can anyone give suggestions or answers as to is there a system within INS wherein one can appeal delayed adjudication of ones cases??? Any clue?

Is it really the VSC\'s fault?

They were deluged by over 200000 245(i) 485 petitions as well as the EB PD\'s going current at about the same time.talk about the perfect storm. AC21 made all PD\'s current and 245(i) was a christmas gift to the illegal immigrants.

All I can say is give them credit for doing their job and be patient.
Well, at an emotional and/or spiritual level, the giver gets something in return.

Otherwise, what is the motive in giving?
So the problem is that INS does not have an agreement with YOUR COUNTRY ....

.... to issue multiple entry visas! Is it an INS problem or has it got something to do with the policies of your own country?
It depends.

You can still sue because INS can\'t say 540 days. It\'s the 540 days that causes you emotional distress. It all depends on the stupid laws.

Why could someone sue McDonald because she did not know that the coffee she bought was hot? That was insane. An idiot would know that a "hot" coffe is hot and what\'s the big deal? If you can find a law that can be used against INS, you can definitely sue.
No Title

what are you talking about education system here, its the best in the world. But then how and what would H1 (not F1->H1) person know about the education system here when that person is a \'cheap\' labor here. So you think that all those people who came here on H1 during past 5 yrs in the wake of Y2K and net wave are very \'brainy\', yeah! right!!. It was the quick and the cheapest way to come here in the land of opportunity and prosperity (milk and honey so to speak) which was, otherwise, not even a possibility for most of them. \'Best of the mind\' you say - don\'t be so naive. Then what would you call those who came here on F1 to further their careers by persuing MS, PhD, MBA, Post Graduate Degrees in Medicine and so on. And he points finger at their education system. Any top manager, an immigrant, invariably has a US degree. Too many avenues this socirty has to offer to enjoy the life and have fun is the foremost and compelling reason for the diminishing % of locals in the colleges here, besides it being too expensive. And you believe that those \'best of the minds\' immgirants are wealthy enough to support themselves here if they didn\'t get TA\'s and RA\'s ??? Regardless, GC is a priveledge not a birth right. Besides, its matter of demand and supply. If they want, they can and will increase the H quota and its their perogative to reduce it. And they will control the rate at which GC\'s get approved. Your urgency and desperation does not caste an emergency on their part.

GC seekers are beggars in the sense that they do not have any say in the processing time regardless of their contribution to the socio-economy of the country. They may allow you to stay here for 6 yrs on H1 and may be even longer, they are not obliged to give you GC for your \'Hard Work\' or \'loyalty\'. And if you choose to stay here like normal human being (believe me, many don\'t), you would still buy cars, electronics, etc.

I was the one myself who made this choice of staying here for a better life despite knowing that I may not be able to reunite with my parents and/or others for 3 yrs or may be more. Precisely correct - take it or leave it. Its not like that \'the\' company or this country won\'t survive without one or few \'brainy immigrants\'. If 10 has to leave, 100 are ready, no dying, to be here. I come from a country where domestic help is readily available and that too at very affordable cost, but I decide to come and live here like a domestic helper myself. Far far away from my loved ones. WHY. To boost the economy of some foreign land exposing my father/motherland to \'brain drain\' (mind you, I am so brainy for make such a wise choice afterall).

Politics and Government - they operate on same principle in just about any country in the world. Aren\'t you dealing with a government body here (INS) and so excited about it.
Salvery, self-esteem,constitution,American education

Let me address all the three of you from this one same podium.
1. Silymike.
How dare u talk about slavery if you came here on slavery.H1b is the corporate form of slavery.Have u ever read the stipulations of H1b employment for both the employer as well as Employee.In olden times The British used to transport laborers from India (during those days India = India + Pakistan + Chinese Occupied Kashmir) to work in the farms of the Caribbean and Fiji.The East India company paid the laborers better than they would have fetched in India.East India company paid for the travel too.They even put them in shelters until the laborers made shelters for themselves.But they never had any right according to the law of lands.Most of them were shuttled across different colonies of the British.Now you correlate the facts with H1b and tell me why h1b is different from sugarcane workers of olden days.

 It is not the low self-esteem. It is the despair of a worn out soldier after winning a war when he finds out what he fought all his life was not worthy.Yet he cant go back in time and undo things done.If you take a cross section of the society and compare it with one form where you come from u will feel definitely sorry for the findings.Have not you ever got a chance to compare the intellectual capacity of the group you work with here with the one you left across the oceans.I dont know your case but it took a lot of time for me to convince some one that 99 times 9 is equal to 100 times 9 minus 9.(The roots are from Vedic Mathematics.).Self esteem is not just driving on V8 SUVs.Self esteem is being proud of what you are worth of.I repeat what you are worth of.Now the worthiness and understanding worthiness plays in different level playing grounds.Like what Vivekananda said once "One who knows and knows that he knows is a leader, Follow him..One who knows not and knows that he knows not is a wise one, Teach him , he may become a leader one day..One who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool .. Shun him.. It is a waste of time teaching him.".So tirumal , dont ever mistake that word which has a great meaning.

Do you know that constitution of any country applies to the citizens of that country.Do you know that there is a line American constitution which starts with "all men are made equal".Where do the poor women go?.I think may get rid of that false idea of getting protection under US constitution.The good treatment u and me are getting over here is because of the blanket of the Rule of Law observed by the civilized people over here.And just because this society will not take up arms and kill in the name of GOD.

4.Ice Cool.
  Vivekananda thought very much about you specifically.Knowledge and according to you \'Braininess\' - sorry if I made it a noun from your adjective \'brainy\' , cannot be judged on a vector.Let me tell you a story.One day me and my Indian colleague were arguing about a methodology to be followed in the Project.When the argument got hot and seemed to be breaking into some sort of ego-war my other American colleague who happened to be married to an Indian Girl made an interesting comment.Let me quote him."I have heard Cowboys shooting Indians,Indians shooting Cowboys , but never heard of Indians shooting Indians".In fact that made us really think about it.Do you know that East India company could not have built its empire if it was not Mir Jaffir helping them by betraying his cousin.Hey brother what are you here for ,Shoot at Indians .You are in the vineyard,borther.Stop complaining that your brother ate too many grapes.There is plenty, plenty enough to suffice your and your next seven generations.Then why do make yourself cheaper that the \'cheap labor\' u accused by airing such ignominious allegations.Be of your own creed,American educated.I have never seen anybody complaining in America.Everything is here.Go for it and get it.Brain Drain is not such a simple issue that it can be ignored.Many of the western scholars believe now that the Hitler lost the second world war mainly due to the so-called Brain drain.

Anyway,Indian shooting at each other does not make any sense at all .In the history as well as in the future, though they do it in their own country as well as everywhere they go.