I-94 problem


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sorry to disturb you guys, I know people want more approval threads just as me, but I need figure it out. My parents left here above half year ago, only until recently I realized they didn't return I-94 card when they left here, is this going to give them troubles when they want to reenter here again?
Not to scare you, but yes...you can expect some problems. They may have to undergo secondary inspection.
post this question on tonights murthy chat. she may give you a better answer.... if your question is accepted.
thanks, where can I post my question on murthy chat, and do you happen have some ideas what I can do about this issue?
Ait ticket stubs, boarding card

Can be shown as proof that they left, also the arrival stamp on the passport. Make sure they carry these or enclose these when they apply for visa next time, or if they don't have to, be ready to show at Port of entry.

Murthy chat is on now, at murthy.com.

you may also try posting your question at aheckler.com at ask the attorney link
I don't think that this is a problem at all. Your I-94 is taken by a airline agent when u leave the country. And sometimes they do forget to take it which I don't think is a big deal. When u come back u get a new I94 anyway so how does it matter or qualify them for a secondary inspection?
They should not have any problems. I have done the same in the past, not given in my I-94, when I came back the officer asked when I had left the country and from which port, saw the stamp on my passport and moved on.

If you are still concerned then tell them to contact the local embassy and see if they can mail it in to them.

Originally posted by finalwaiting
sorry to disturb you guys, I know people want more approval threads just as me, but I need figure it out. My parents left here above half year ago, only until recently I realized they didn't return I-94 card when they left here, is this going to give them troubles when they want to reenter here again?
Don’t worry... :eek:

Don’t worry... :eek:
Be happy... :D
I went to India on in May 1998 and no one took my I-94. I came back to US in Nov 1998 and no questions asked but they checked my passport for proper visa to re-enter. I think it will not be a problem because one time in 1996, the air-ticket collector (one who checks your ticket) took my I-94 and put it in some kind of trashcan. I am curious are these people really process this departure record. BTW I am not an attorney....

be :cool:
I 94 in the bin

On my first out of US visit I made sure the airline agent got my I94, to my surprise they tore it and put it in the bin, It happened the 2nd time I went out of this country. I asked the airline agent and she said its OK.