I-94 expiry and travel disruption due to Iceland Volcano


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My friends parents were scheduled to travel yesterday (I-94 valid for a few more days). Due to the iceland volcano, the flights have been canceled for a unknown period of time.

Do we need to get an B2 I-94 extension? Is it ok, if they overstay for a few days.
I am in same boat, my in-laws were supposed to travel on Apr-17th and their I-94 expires Apr-18th. Due to the Iceland volcano their flight was cancelled yesterday and next available flight is on April 23rd. I am wondering if I need to file another extension ( They already got 3 months extension) or inform USCIS so that they won't be in trouble when they come here next time.

Yeah, I tried to book flight thru mid-east airlines it was too expensive for me to bear for one way tickets. Any reply is appreciated.
We are in the same situation with the B1 I-94 expiry date and the Iceland volcano!!!

We are in the same situation with the I-94 for the B1 visa having the end date of Apr 26th 2010. The return flight to India is on Thu, Apr 22nd 2010. But due to the Iceland volcano, I am afraid the flight will be delayed/canceled.

So the question is, are we obligated to apply for a B1 visa extension? Would the stay beyond the I-94 expiration date considered as illegal? I don't want to waste money on an extension unless absolutely needed. Since the delay is due to an extraordinary event beyond anyone's control, I don't consider staying beyond the I-94 expiration date as an (intentional) extension of stay technically.

The Iceland volcano is an extraordinary situation that every Government all over the world is aware of and USCIS should be well aware of that. So I hope they won't cause any trouble to someone who isn't applying for an explicit extension because of this situation.
I know this is not directly related to B visas, but usually, with the VWP if you overstay and it is of no fault of your own, you are still in overstay (hence why it is always advised to never stay the whole 90 days, but to plan for a 86-87 day trip just incase of flight delays etc.
However, in light of this situation, USCIS has set up remedies to grant VWP entrants another 30 days because of the HUGE scale of this natural disaster. So USCIS is aware of the effect this situation is having on travellers (both VWP and other visas-B visas included) and are taking steps to help visitors out.

At airports, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) may grant Satisfactory Departure for a traveler whose VWP admission is expiring and who is unable to depart timely as a result of airport closures or flight delays/cancellations. If the stranded traveler is not at an airport but elsewhere in the country, the traveler may apply for Satisfactory Departure from the local U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) office. If granted, Satisfactory Departure allows the VWP traveler to stay in the United States legally for an additional 30 days. If the beneficiary leaves within that period, he or she will not be considered to have overstayed. Both agencies have provided their staff with guidance on the applicable legal authorities under the VWP in circumstances such as this.
Persons traveling under a visa should contact the nearest U.S. CIS office and follow the instructions on their website. While this link recommends initiating the process 45 days in advance, U.S. CIS is providing reminder guidance on how to handle such cases this weekend.

This is direct posting on the British Consul website....the part bolded would be applicable to yourselves so you should go to the USCIS website and follow the instructions there.
Thank you for the link....

I know this is not directly related to B visas, but usually, with the VWP if you overstay and it is of no fault of your own, you are still in overstay (hence why it is always advised to never stay the whole 90 days, but to plan for a 86-87 day trip just incase of flight delays etc.
However, in light of this situation, USCIS has set up remedies to grant VWP entrants another 30 days because of the HUGE scale of this natural disaster. So USCIS is aware of the effect this situation is having on travellers (both VWP and other visas-B visas included) and are taking steps to help visitors out.

At airports, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) may grant Satisfactory Departure for a traveler whose VWP admission is expiring and who is unable to depart timely as a result of airport closures or flight delays/cancellations. If the stranded traveler is not at an airport but elsewhere in the country, the traveler may apply for Satisfactory Departure from the local U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) office. If granted, Satisfactory Departure allows the VWP traveler to stay in the United States legally for an additional 30 days. If the beneficiary leaves within that period, he or she will not be considered to have overstayed. Both agencies have provided their staff with guidance on the applicable legal authorities under the VWP in circumstances such as this.
Persons traveling under a visa should contact the nearest U.S. CIS office and follow the instructions on their website. While this link recommends initiating the process 45 days in advance, U.S. CIS is providing reminder guidance on how to handle such cases this weekend.

This is direct posting on the British Consul website....the part bolded would be applicable to yourselves so you should go to the USCIS website and follow the instructions there.
I just called USCIS and call center person transferred me to Immigration Officer. IO told me that my in-laws should be fine bcoz they are overstaying bcoz of the reasons out of their control (Extra Ordinary circumstances) and they should have all the proofs to show that their tickets were booked before expiry of I-94 and she said to carry few news paper clippings next time when they are coming to US.

Also asked to leave the country as early as possible and not to stay more than a reasonable amount of time.
Hey, thanks a lot for the posting. It is good to know that USCIS is considering the "extraordinary circumstances" that is beyond anyone's control. News paper clippings...uh :) OK, I will try to see if I can take some printouts of the Iceland volcano situation....
Doesn't seem to be true

I just called USCIS and call center person transferred me to Immigration Officer. IO told me that my in-laws should be fine bcoz they are overstaying bcoz of the reasons out of their control (Extra Ordinary circumstances) and they should have all the proofs to show that their tickets were booked before expiry of I-94 and she said to carry few news paper clippings next time when they are coming to US.

Also asked to leave the country as early as possible and not to stay more than a reasonable amount of time.

Hi there again,

I just talked to USCIS representative myself over phone now and the truth is that they are asking me to talking to the border partrol agency to clarify the situation with respect to overstay due to the Icelandic volcano. The USCIS clearly says that they don't have any specific guidelines themselves, but only the border patrol agency has. So they asked me to visit the border patrol agencie's website (sorry can't post the url due to the dumb/stupid/nonsense policy of this website that I will have to post 15 messages before I can post URLs to external websites) which I did and they have provided the guidelines

So I doubt the authenticity of your message saying that you don't have to apply for an extension and that it will be waived considering "extraordinary circumstances" and to bring newspaper clips while coming again. But there is no official information that confirms this.

If you are able to leave the USA within the I-94 expiry date...great. Otherwise you will have to apply for an extension. Be warned.
I have been through it

Hey guys, if you I94 is expired and due to natural calamities and the flights being cancelled, you just have to make an appointment to the local immigration office and let them know. They will extend your I94 for 30 days.
And yes this is the best and the safest option which will take about 20 minutes.
I would recommend everyone to do this because they would not have any kind of issues at the airport, because no one wants inconvenience at the airport.
I know it is hard to get a number for your local office but just take the appointment and go there.