I-9 Form


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I have been working with the same employer since \'96. I was first on CPT, then PT, then H1 and still on H1. My I-485 is close to getting approved (I hope) filed in Feb 2001.

I never knew about Form 1-9 until today. I was never asked to submit it either. I don\'t think that my company has this form on my behalf.

When I joined back in \'96 the company was real small (about 12 employees total) The company has grown big now. Should I worry about submitting the form now or does it not matter?

Can I ever be in trouble because of this?
No Problem

It is not possible that your copany does not know about I-9 form. When you started working for them on H1 they used that form. You need not to worry about it. It is Employer\'s form.
I-9 form is important for them who are using their EADs as their comapnies need to update this form.
Don\'t worry, your H1 is still valid and you are not using EAD.


I agree with what u said but I started the company in 96 on CPT, then switched to PT, then switched to H1, then H1 got extended back in 2000. I don\'t EVER remember to fill out an I-9 form.
I-9 is mandated by US Gov/Labor Rules

All employees are required to fill one (including US citizens and residents) and the company is required to not only have them but have in place processes that monitor expiry dates and issue termination notices if a valid status reported in the I-9 expires unless the term is is indefinite in the case of a citizen or a permanent resident.

Most large MNC\'s follow the above process and lot of smaller companies do as well.

It may be that there are the odd ones that don\'t.

Is my employer real smart?

Could it be the case that my company has been updating my I-9 itself every time my status changed from (PT to H1 and then to H1 extention) given the fact that the INS sends a courtesy copy of approval to the employer as well?

I guess the only way to find out is to ask the HR person in the company.
Asolutely no worry

I-9 form is compulsary for everybody even for Americans. But it has to be submitted by Employer not by employees. For every employee it is employer\'s responsibility to verify that the employee has legal work permit (either citizen, GC, EAD or H1 etc). If somebody works after the expiration of H1 or EAD then employer will first problems from Labour Department.

I think this will help you.
